Alan - Mergem Inainte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alan - Mergem Inainte

Mergem Inainte
Moving Forward
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn
Iei viata-n piept sigur pe tine ca viata de apoi
You face life head-on, sure of yourself, like the afterlife
Aici vezi printese deghizate in curve de soi
Here you see princesses disguised as high-class whores
Daca nu faci ce face popa - ramai sarac, urmeaza-i sfatu′
If you don't do what the priest does, you stay poor, follow his advice
Cu biserica sa nu te pui ca poate te ia dreacu'!
Don't mess with the church, or the devil might take you!
Vin din Romania, romanii stiu ca exact asa e
I come from Romania, Romanians know that's exactly how it is
Degeaba ai aer de smecher daca mirosi a fraier
It's no use acting tough if you smell like a sucker
Ne-ndemnam toti la donatii uite c-avem un suflet mare - ce tare!
We all encourage donations, look, we have a big heart - how cool!
Da′ cand apare foamea si mila dispare!
But when hunger appears, pity disappears!
Pare ca strigam cu voce tare: "nu ne schimba nimic"!
It seems like we're shouting out loud: "nothing changes us!"
Si-avem principii pe care ne pisam cum dam de bani un pic!
And we have principles that we piss on as soon as we get a little money!
Animale de prada la baza cu frica de Dumnezeu
Predatory animals at our core, with the fear of God
Corecti pana dau de greu, daca-i de rau n-am fost eu!
Honest until things get tough, if it's bad, it wasn't me!
Astia ne pun viitoru' la perete
These people put our future against the wall
In timp ce noi facem din cacat bici si vedete
While we make whips and celebrities out of shit
Nu vorbesc din auzite ca SRI ia zambeste
I'm not talking hearsay, the SRI is smiling
Ca pus in lumina buna pana si jegu' straluceste!
Because even crap shines when put in a good light!
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn
Daca ne-ntrebi pe noi, frate, noi suntem cei mai tari
If you ask us, brother, we're the best
Doar ca jumate suntem plecati sau angajati de-americani,
Except half of us are gone or working for Americans,
E vremea-n care salariu′ de fapt iti cumpara timpu′
It's a time when your salary actually buys your time
Deci daca banii vorbesc - fa-i sa vorbeasca singuri!
So if money talks - make it talk alone!
Cand am vazut ca ne-am luat teapa am plecat afara la munca
When we saw we were screwed, we went abroad to work
Iar moartea lu Iliescu a devenit un caz de "Doamne ajuta!"
And Iliescu's death became a case of "God help us!"
De la stilou la insulina, conducator cizmar, la Bula
From pen to insulin, cobbler leader, to Bula
Incep sa cred ca tot noi am inventat durerea-n pula!
I'm starting to believe that we invented the pain in the ass!
Ciorba rece, berea calda, viata-i marfa ia si rabda
Cold soup, warm beer, life's a bitch, take it and bear it
Ca de cade ce-ai, ramai cu timpu',singur, soarta-i coarda!
Because if what you have falls, you're left with time, alone, fate is the rope!
Deschide ochii sau esti luat de prost ca berea la PET
Open your eyes or you'll be taken for a fool like PET beer
Ca sentimentele-s ca timpu′ - nu le vezi da' trec!
Because feelings are like time - you don't see them, but they pass!
N-aruncam bani frumosi pe nasoale
We don't throw away good money on clothes
Noi ne respectam pielea, tragem tare
We respect our skin, we work hard
Din sud-estu′ Europei, ne gasesti in lume oriunde
From Southeast Europe, you can find us anywhere in the world
Ne place femeia, berea-i cheia - Astia suntem!
We like women, beer is the key - This is who we are!
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn
Mergem inainte asa am zis intotdeauna
We keep moving forward, that's what we've always said
Astia suntem noi asa e de cand e lumea
This is who we are, it's been like this since the beginning of time
Zic sa curga vinu si problemele-ntruna
Let the wine flow and the problems keep coming
Oricum viata trece ni se rupe pula
Life goes on anyway, we don't give a damn

Авторы: Anghel Alan

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