Albert Plá - Juerga Catalana - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Albert Plá - Juerga Catalana

Juerga Catalana
Catalan Party
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Fa tres dies que no dormo,
I haven't slept for three days,
Quatre o cinc no m'en recordo,
Four or five, I don't remember,
Em vaig trobar al Quimet a Isona,
I met Quimet in Isona,
Vens ara a fer-ne una copa?
Are you coming for a drink now, babe?
Que m'en vull anar a dormir d'hora,
I wanted to go to sleep at the time,
La seva xicota ens mana:
His girlfriend orders us:
Aneu a tirar la basura,
Go take out the trash,
Dins el cubell de la plaça,
In the bin in the square,
Però en Quimet agafa el cotxe,
But Quimet takes the car,
Rumbo a un poble de Segur,
Heading to a town in Segur,
I vuit o nou o deu cubates,
And eight or nine or ten cubatas,
I a un garitu que hi ha al centro,
And in a dive bar in the center,
Quan ja estàvem mig borratxos,
When we were already half drunk,
Vam dir anem-n'hi a fer curves,
We said let's go for a drive,
Fes-te un porro més enllà,
Roll another joint there, babe,
Ja que estàvem per Pallars,
Since we were in Pallars,
Vam anar a sota a comprar,
We went downstairs to buy,
Loteria Ca La Bruja,
Lottery at Ca La Bruja,
Per poder seguir la juerga fins Nadal.
To be able to continue the party until Christmas.
I després cap a Puigcerdà,
And then to Puigcerdà,
I allà dalt de la muntanya,
And up there on the mountain,
Vam parar a fer una pixada,
We stopped to take a piss,
Però vam veure com florien,
But we saw how they bloomed,
Bolets a les cagades,
Mushrooms on the shit,
I aquests son bolets d'aquells,
And these are those mushrooms,
Que me fan girar el cervell,
That make my brain spin,
I ens em vam menjar uns doscents
And we ate about two hundred of them
Puja al cotxe i a Cerdanya,
Get in the car, to Cerdanya,
Tornem-ne cap a la Seu d'Urgell,
Let's go back to the Seu d'Urgell,
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Si no es fan gaires barrejes,
If you don't mix too much,
Els bolets no pujen gaire,
The mushrooms don't kick in much,
Però amb uns porros y uns cubates
But with a few joints and some cubatas
Y un parell o tres de rayes,
And a couple or three lines of coke,
Pujen que es una passada,
They come up in a flash, baby,
I en comptes de tornar a casa,
And instead of going home,
Vam xuparnos la Collada de Tosses d'una tirada,
We drove through the Collada de Tosses in one go,
I no se com vam parar a Berga,
I don't know how we ended up in Berga,
I vam conéixer dues nenes,
And we met two girls,
I a Puig Reig ens vam fer uns whiskys,
And in Puig Reig we had some whiskeys,
I despres vam pillar uns éxatsis,
And then we got some ecstasy,
Per fer-nos a les titis,
To do it to the girls,
Una treballava al super,
One worked at the supermarket,
L'altre tenia molt vici,
The other was really into it,
I un polvet vora del riu,
And a quickie by the river,
I la lluna que ens somriu,
And the moon smiling at us,
I jo sóc un gran fan del sexe,
And I'm a big fan of sex,
Això es perfecte,
This is perfect,
Tias buenas, mucha droga,
Hot chicks, lots of drugs,
Dale fuerte! qué feliç!
Give it to me hard! I'm so happy!
Cagüen la puta i aquest cop he estat de suerte,
Fuck it, this time I've been lucky,
Que resabia es la natura,
It was nature's doing,
Que ens crea i tambe ens ajunta,
She creates us and she also brings us together,
L'un per l'altre això no para nooo!!
One for the other, this doesn't stop, nooo!!
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Adios muy buenas! amiguetes...
Goodbye ladies!...
Marxem cap a Vic per feina,
Let's go to Vic for work,
I al casino uns bons cuabatas,
And some good cubatas at the casino,
Vaig vomitar a la façana,
I vomited on the facade,
De la Casa Tarradellas,
Of Casa Tarradellas,
Ja tornavem des de Vic,
We were coming back from Vic,
I a la rotonda d'Hostalric,
And at the Hostalric roundabout,
Ens va parar la policia,
We were stopped by the police,
Puto control d'alcholèmia,
Fucking breathalyzer test,
Verge santa quina angúnia,
Holy virgin, what agony,
Però en Quimet treu la pistola,
But Quimet pulls out his gun,
I tirant tiros als pitufos,
And shooting at the cops,
Jo me cagüen els controls,
I shit on controls,
I aviso als mossos d'escuadra,
And warn the police squad,
Que no me toquin mes els ous!!
Don't touch my balls anymore!!
Collons Quimet que fort que vaas!
Damn, Quimet, you're going strong!
T'has cargat tres policies,
You've shot three cops,
Em sembla que t'has passat!
I think you've gone too far!
Cagant osties cap a Breda,
Shit, let's head to Breda,
Para al bar, pillem benzina,
Stop at the bar, get some gas,
I una mica d'heroína,
And some heroin,
Ni hi ha res com el cavall,
There's nothing like horse,
Per tirar el susto cap avall.
To bring the scare down.
Ja una mica mes calmats,
Already a little calmer,
Vam robar, per si de cas,
We stole, just in case,
Un altre cotxe per fugir,
Another car to escape,
Vam cambiar el golf GTI,
We changed the Golf GTI,
Per un mercedes, JODETEEE
For a Mercedes, FUCK YEAH!
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Reconec que vam fer voltes,
I admit we went around in circles,
Per arribar a Barcelona,
To get to Barcelona,
Que boniques son les platges de Girona!
How beautiful the beaches of Girona are!
Des de Blanes fins a Tossa i Cadaqués,
From Blanes to Tossa and Cadaqués,
I un vell pescador ens diguè,
And an old fisherman told us,
Que ens va veure per Lloret,
That he saw us in Lloret,
Però si he de ser sincer,
But to be honest,
Jo no m'en recordo de res,
I don't remember anything,
Vols dir que crec que va estar molt bé,
You mean I think it was great,
De Sant Pol fins a la Mina,
From Sant Pol to la Mina,
Hi ha un camí secret que et porta,
There's a secret path that takes you,
Directe cap a la gloria.
Straight to glory.
De la Rambla al kentucky,
From La Rambla to Kentucky,
Passa per la plaça del Tripi...
It goes through Plaza del Tripi...
Vés-te'n al Harlem i al Glaciar,
Go to Harlem and Glaciar,
I despres cap al Sidecar,
And then to Sidecar,
Del Jamboree al Luz de Gas,
From Jamboree to Luz de Gas,
No es gran cosa la ciutat,
The city is not much,
Cada cop està mes sosa,
It's getting more boring every time,
I aquest cony de Barcelona,
And this damn Barcelona,
Em sembla cada cop mes,
Seems to me more and more,
Com un poble de mala mort.
Like a dead town.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Anem-nos'en de la capital,
Let's get out of the capital,
Anem-nos'en que se'ns fa tard,
Let's go, we're late,
Fotent curves pel Garraf,
Driving curves through Garraf,
I amb les motos que em robat,
And with the motorcycles I stole,
Sense faros i borratxos,
Without headlights and drunk,
Collons quin cego que portem,
Damn, we're so wasted,
Collons que que ens ho passem,
Damn, we're having a good time,
Com el Vallès no hi ha res,
There's nothing like Vallès,
Excepte el vi del Penedès,
Except the wine from Penedès,
Un Martini a Vilafranca,
A Martini in Vilafranca,
Visca el Barça i Vilanova,
Long live Barça and Vilanova,
De Reus cap a Tarragona,
From Reus to Tarragona,
Se'ns acaba Catalunya,
Catalonia is coming to an end,
Doncs tornem cap a Tortosa,
So let's go back to Tortosa,
Que bonic que es prendre el Sol!
How nice it is to sunbathe!
I rere la xemeneia de la nuclear d'ascó,
And behind the chimney of the Ascó nuclear power plant,
Jo soc d'un racó del món,
I'm from a corner of the world,
Que la putejat tothom,
That everyone has cursed,
Ja estic fart de veure el món,
I'm tired of seeing the world,
Em va dir el Qumiet tot must,
Quimet told me, completely wasted,
Catalunya ha crescut molt,
Catalonia has grown a lot,
Es el pais mes gran del mon,
It's the biggest country in the world,
Però el meu poble es el millor,
But my town is the best,
Vull tornar-me amb els meus porcs,
I want to go back to my pigs,
Va arribar el moment solemne,
The solemn moment arrived,
Jo em sincero, ell es sincera,
I'm honest, he's honest,
No som res Quimet, de veres,
We are nothing, Quimet, really,
Va tornem cap a caseta.
Let's go back home.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Bona nit. molt bona nit
Good night. Very good night
M'en vaig al llit que estic borratxo i sóc feliç.
I'm going to bed, I'm drunk and happy.
Sempre hi ha un moment de juerga,
There's always a moment in a party,
Que un es mira despres pensa,
That you look at yourself later and think,
El perquè de l'existència,
About the reason for existence,
Va deixa't de tantes osties,
Stop with all this bullshit,
T'has passat de cocaína!,
You've had too much cocaine!
I vam tornar cap a Vallclara,
And we returned to Vallclara,
A la piscina fem un cubata,
We'll have a cubata at the pool,
I esmorzar a la Panadella,
And have breakfast in Panadella,
Despres per frenar la resaca,
Then to curb the hangover,
Dos gintonics a Igualada,
Two gin and tonics in Igualada,
Tothom sap que a Montserrat,
Everyone knows that in Montserrat,
Que es on viu la Moreneta,
Is where the Black Madonna lives,
I als nens de l'Escolanía,
And the children of the Escolanía,
Que els vesteixen amb faldilles,
That they dress in skirts,
I els confons amb una tía,
And you confuse them with a girl,
I del cego que portàvem,
And from the blindness we had,
Ja casi que ens els follàvem,
We almost fucked them,
Menos mal gràcies al bisbe,
Thank goodness the bishop,
No toqueu la criatura,
Don't touch the child,
Que es un noi no es una tia,
It's a boy, not a girl,
Cagüen déu, cagüen el bisbe,
Damn God, damn the bishop,
Que ens està axafant la festa,
He's ruining our party,
Catalunya quina merda!,
Catalonia, what a mess!,
Cervera, Agramunt, Artesa,
Cervera, Agramunt, Artesa,
I per fi vam arribar a Isona,
And finally we arrived at Isona,
Vam anar a tirar la basura,
We went to take out the trash,
Al cubell de la plaça,
In the bin in the square,
I despres vam tornar a casa,
And then we went back home,
No ha estat mal, quimet, la juerga,
It wasn't bad, Quimet, the party,
Aquesta juerga catalana!!...
This Catalan party!!...

Авторы: Judit Farres Requesens

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