Albert Plá - Vida d' un gat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Albert Plá - Vida d' un gat

Vida d' un gat
A Cat's Life
El seu pare era un vell gat gordo i coix
His father was an old, fat, limping cat
I sa mare una gata de carrer
And his mother, a stray from the street
I ell va néixer una nit sota la pluja
He was born one rainy night
Però sa mare morí al part
But his mother died in labor
I el seu pare d'un infart
And his father from a heart attack
I va quedar abandonat pel mig dels prats
And he was left abandoned in the middle of the fields
Moriria de gana moriria congelat
He would die of hunger, he would freeze to death
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
No tenia ni pares ni un amic
He had no parents, no friends
Ni un padrí de família que el cuidés
No family godfather to care for him
I així solitari justet amb uns dies de vida
And so, lonely, barely a few days old
Va arrossegar el cos per un camí per la ciutat
He dragged his body down a path through the city
Però va ser en creuar una carretera
But it was while crossing a road
Que un camió va i l'atropella en un pas zebra
That a truck went and hit him at a zebra crossing
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
I va sentir-se deprimit dèbil agobiat
And he felt depressed, weak, overwhelmed
Tan esclafat sota el camió
So crushed under the truck
Veia que no podia que no podia respirar
He saw that he couldn't, he couldn't breathe
Però per res la vida no volia deixar
But for nothing in the world did he want to give up on life
Ferit i amb la por a la mort
Injured and fearing death
Va seguir una nena i la nena el va agafar
He followed a girl and the girl took him in
Va acollir-lo en braços va posar-li un nom ridícul
She held him in her arms, gave him a ridiculous name
Se l'endugué a casa seva i va mostrar-lo a la família
Took him home and showed him to the family
Però un pare sense escrúpols que l'agafa per l'esquena
But a ruthless father grabbed him by the back
I mentre renyava la nena el va tirar per la finestra
And while scolding the girl, threw him out the window
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
Set pisos de caiguda i quedà viu sobre l'acera
Seven floors he fell and remained alive on the sidewalk
Rebentat i destrossat però hi ha més vides que l'esperen
Broken and shattered, but there were more lives waiting for him
Hi ha vida hi ha vida
There is life, there is life
Però aconseguí aixecar-se aconseguí caminar
But he managed to get up, he managed to walk
Aconseguí creuar la ciutat fins al port
He managed to cross the city to the port
I va va veure el mar i va veure un peix
And he saw the sea and he saw a fish
Va acostar-se al moll però va relliscar
He approached the dock but slipped
I va caure a l'aigua va sentir-se perdut
And fell into the water, he felt lost
Ho tenia clar moriria ofegat
He was sure he would drown
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
Era patètic veure com s'enganxava a la vida
It was pathetic to see how he clung to life
Xapotejant cap a un barco que es llargava mar endintre
Splashing towards a boat that was heading out to sea
I aconseguí pujar-s'hi mig ofegat mort de pena
And he managed to climb on, half-drowned, heartbroken
Va passar tota la infància dintre d'un vaixell de pesca
He spent his entire childhood on a fishing boat
Set mesos després va desembarcar
Seven months later he disembarked
En una terra estranya apocalíptica i ingrata
In a strange, apocalyptic and ungrateful land
Les cases mig destruïdes de gent morta o matant-se
The houses half-destroyed, of people dead or killing each other
I un merder de crits histèrics de terrors i focs i nervis
And a mess of hysterical screams, terrors, fires and nerves
I de cop una bomba li va petar sota els peus
And suddenly a bomb exploded under his feet
I va sortir volant pels aires despedint-se de la vida
And he went flying through the air, saying goodbye to life
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
I en aquell país de merda hi havia guerra hi havia guerra
And in that shitty country there was war, there was war
I on reina la violència t'acribillen per la jeta
And where violence reigns they riddle you with bullets
El cos ple de metralla que es es moria que es moria
His body full of shrapnel, he was dying, he was dying
Quan va esdevenir un prodigi que ell no hagués esperat mai
When a miracle happened that he had never expected
Una gata preciosa i piadosa el recollí
A beautiful and pious cat picked him up
I amb el temps i unes carícies va curar-li les ferides
And with time and some caresses, healed his wounds
I es tirà follant els dies que passà en convalescència
And he spent his convalescence fucking like crazy
Però la gateta ocultava que estimava un altre gat
But the little cat hid the fact that she loved another cat
Què dic un gat si allò era un tigre
What do I say cat, that thing was a tiger
Que ho va descobrir unmal dia va jurar que els mataria
He discovered it one bad day and swore he would kill them
Això era un lio de faldilles
This was a love triangle mess
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
Imagineu aquella bèstia una espècie de legionari
Imagine that beast, a kind of legionary
Reclamant com a venjança lenta mort pels dos amants
Demanding as a slow revenge death for the two lovers
La gata quedà morta desgarrada a esgarrapades
The cat was left dead, torn to shreds
I ell de què sino s'escapa perseguit com una rata
And how else could he escape, pursued like a rat
Van acabar-se els tiros i eren temps de pau
The shots were over and it was a time of peace
De pau però misèria de penes i gana
Peace but misery, hardship and hunger
I un dia el gat tornà a sentir que el seu cos levitava
And one day the cat felt his body levitating again
Que el seu cos desafiava tota llei de gravetat
That his body defied all laws of gravity
Per les potes l'agafaven i del terra l'aixecaven
They grabbed him by the legs and lifted him off the ground
I una veu il.lusionada que el mirava i exclamava
And an excited voice looked at him and exclaimed
Yujúúú família avui per dinar tenim gat a la brasa
Yujúúú family, today for dinner we have grilled cat
Però sort que era un gat i tenia set vides
But luckily he was a cat and had seven lives
Va sortir per poter de miracle que no el pesquen
He miraculously escaped without being caught
Que no acaba com un plat de subsistència
Without ending up as a subsistence dish
A la postguerra hi ha gana hi ha gana
In the postwar period there is hunger, there is hunger
Havien passat set vides però el gatet mai no es moria
Seven lives had passed, but the kitten never died
La veritat no comprenia la gràcia d'aquesta vida
The truth is, he didn't understand the point of this life
I ara tan sols s'arrastrava sols errava sols vagava
And now he just crawled, just wandered, just roamed
Ara era un vell gatot de merda despreciat per tot el món
Now he was an old shitty cat, despised by the whole world
Que era el pot de les hòsties que és que estava cremat
He was the punching bag, he was burnt out
Però hostia puta quina vida més perra que tenia
But holy shit, what a shitty life he had
I per desgràcia era un gat i tenia set vides.
And unfortunately he was a cat and had seven lives.

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