Alci Acosta - Mi Querido Cascarrabias - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alci Acosta - Mi Querido Cascarrabias

Mi Querido Cascarrabias
My Dearest Grouchy One
Mi querido cascarrabias
My dearest grouchy one,
Hoy te vengo a saludar
Today I come to greet you,
Y a reclamarte ese abrazo
And to claim that hug,
Que se quedó en tu regazo
That stayed in your lap,
Cuando salí a caminar
When I went out for a walk.
Yo te llamo cascarrabias
I call you grouch
Aunque a veces es verdad
Even though it's true sometimes,
Como cuando yo era niño
Like when I was a child.
Te lo digo con cariño
I say it to you with love,
Bien lo sabes, papá
You know it well, my dad.
Quiera Dios que no me faltes
May God keep you from me,
En la aurora de mañana
In the dawn of tomorrow,
Para mirar tu figura
To see your figure,
Recostada en la ventana
Sitting by the window.
Tus consejos me han servido
Your advice has helped me,
Para escalar mil montañas
To climb a thousand mountains.
Por eso, viejo querido
For that, my dear old man,
Que Dios bendiga tus canas
May God bless your gray hair.
Yo recuerdo cuando niño
I remember when I was a child,
Si me ibas a castigar
If you were going to punish me,
Me escondía tras de la puerta
I would hide behind the door.
Me perseguías por la huerta
You would chase me through the garden,
Y también por el solar
And also through the vacant lot.
Han pasado tantos años
So many years have passed,
Y no olvidaré jamás
And I will never forget,
Tus palabras, tus regaños
Your words, your scoldings,
Que nunca me hicieron daño
That never hurt me,
Y me guiaron de verdad
And guided me truly.
Quiera Dios que no me faltes
May God keep you from me,
En la aurora de mañana
In the dawn of tomorrow,
Para mirar tu figura
To see your figure,
Recostada en la ventana
Sitting by the window.
Tus consejos me han servido
Your advice has helped me,
Para escalar mil montañas
To climb a thousand mountains.
Por eso, viejo querido
For that, my dear old man,
Que Dios bendiga tus canas
May God bless your gray hair.

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