Alcolirykoz - A Mijazz - Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alcolirykoz - A Mijazz - Remix

A Mijazz - Remix
A Mijazz - Remix
Estos ninjas son la banda. suspire y no se ofenda
These ninjas are the band, breathe and don't be offended,
El realismo abunda si la musica es merienda
Realism abounds if music is a snack.
Hoy traigo mi RAP de bufanda para los resfriados de la mie
Today I bring my RAP scarf for the colds of mine,
Que tanto abundan en aulas y emisoras cuando inverna
That abound in classrooms and stations when it's winter.
Un As bajo la manga libertad bajo las piernas
An ace up my sleeve, freedom under my legs,
Las ganas que nunca faltan y un sonido que gobierna
The desire that is never lacking and a sound that governs.
No hay cancion que se contenga
There's no song that can be contained,
No hay inspiracion que no lo de
There's no inspiration that doesn't give it,
No hay frases que no se vengan
There are no phrases that don't come
En la eterna. somos un trio de luciernagas
In eternity. We are a trio of fireflies,
Cada especie es unica y no han descubierto mas
Each species is unique and they haven't discovered more,
Y clonandolas jamas sabras lo que hay detras de un RAP
And by cloning them you'll never know what's behind a RAP
Con mas de mil formulas
With more than a thousand formulas.
Mas bien no dejemos esto en las manos de nadie
Rather, let's not leave this in anyone's hands,
Haslo todo por tu cuenta y no habran fraudes
Do it all on your own and there will be no fraud.
Que tal ves esto empieza con el estrés de tres
How about this: it starts with the stress of three
Y termina con el calvario de alguien
And it ends with someone's ordeal.
Estos ninjas son la banda en otro mundo si que andan
These ninjas are the band, they walk in another world,
Su sonido no es estandar su talento tiene glandulas
Their sound is not standard, their talent has glands,
Lapicero sudversido de costumbre creativo
Subversive pencil, customarily creative,
Con el rap nocivo para tu farandula
With harmful rap for your showbiz.
Calificame como si fueras mi enemigo
Rate me as if you were my enemy,
A ver si tu criterio vale mas que lo que digo
Let's see if your criteria is worth more than what I say.
Pa' las quejas sin razón alguna ¡no las siento!
For complaints without any reason, I don't feel them!
Vivo mis contextos no inventamos sufrimientos
I live my contexts, we don't invent suffering.
Al respaldo de esto encontrarias lo que menos tu querias
Behind this you would find what you least wanted,
Que haga esto mas seguro que tu policia
That makes this safer than your police.
En esta banca rota rompo ya los sacos
In this bankrupt bank I already break the sacks,
Saco el animo que lucra el ritmo cardíaco
I take out the spirit that profits from the heart rhythm.
Esto no es soplar y hacer botellas
This is not blowing and making bottles,
Hacen falta leguas kilometros y millas
It takes leagues, kilometers and miles,
No todo el que pisa este planeta deja huella
Not everyone who steps on this planet leaves a mark.
Practica la discreción y disciplina de estos ninjas
Practice the discretion and discipline of these ninjas.
DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI. corre tu rencor de aquí
DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI. Run your grudge from here,
Barre tu falso blin blin no repita tan "yea"
Sweep your fake bling bling, don't repeat "yea" so much.
RAP no te sale asi. Jazz dejamelo a mi
RAP doesn't come out like that. Jazz leave it to me,
Vas a dejar de fingir cuando escuches este beat
You're gonna stop pretending when you hear this beat.
Mijo despiertese levantese superese despidase
Son, wake up, get up, overcome, say goodbye
Y hagase el que murio y volvio a nacer
And pretend he died and was reborn.
Si no puede quedese. esto se hace por placer
If you can't, stay. This is done for pleasure.
Entre mas quieren vender menos tienen pa' ofrecer
The more they want to sell, the less they have to offer.
Mira los de tu indole. tanto tiempo dandole
Look at those of your nature. So long giving it to them,
Van aguantando el sindrome y trepandose a los arboles
They're putting up with the syndrome and climbing trees,
Viendo el Hip Hop en 3D. yo jamas lo degrade
Watching Hip Hop in 3D. I never degraded it.
Al contrario solidario vengo y se lo enseño a usted
On the contrary, in solidarity, I come and teach it to you.
Creamos algo incontrolable de un presente mejorable
We create something uncontrollable from an improvable present,
Todo lo que sea culpable a mi Jazz me hago responsable
Anything that is guilty in my Jazz, I take responsibility.
Con letras de bolsillo salgo
With pocket lyrics I go out
Para los que les sobra. la escases de algo
For those who have too much. The shortage of something.
Manos a la obra o a correr se dijo mijo
Hands to work or run, my son was told.
A ver si alcanzas al que no ha parado ni para dormir
Let's see if you reach the one who hasn't even stopped to sleep,
Pues aqui gallos ya rapean y trasnochan si
Well, here roosters are already rapping and staying up late if
Vienen de la U de estudio de la calle igual que vivo
They come from the U of study of the street just like I live,
Escribo por que entiendo que tu lo haces pa matar el tiempo
I write because I understand that you do it to kill time,
Pues a mi me catalogan asesino de silencio
Well, they call me a silent assassin.
Ahora vuelvo y me bendigo por tener al RAP conmigo
Now I return and I bless myself for having RAP with me,
Por que si no sigo de seguro esto no es esto no es
Because if I don't continue, surely this is not, this is not.
Esto no es soplar y hacer botellas
This is not blowing and making bottles,
Hacen falta leguas kilometros y millas
It takes leagues, kilometers and miles,
No todo el que pisa este planeta deja huella
Not everyone who steps on this planet leaves a mark.
Practica la discrecion y disciplina de estos ninjas
Practice the discretion and discipline of these ninjas.

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