Aldo Trujillo - Los Socios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aldo Trujillo - Los Socios

Los Socios
Con una 45 dorada, y un buen cuerno de chivo recortado.
With a golden 45, and a well-trimmed goat's horn.
Paseandose en su Cheroke es
Cruising in his Cherokee is
ArtiBlanca, mas no presume de que portan pacas.
ArtiBlanca, but he doesn't brag about carrying bales.
Conocido como "El Chello" o Alfredo,
Known as "El Chello" or Alfredo,
Sobran amugos si la hacen de pedo.
Friends are aplenty if they make a fuss.
Las damas se han hecho su gran deporte, las intimida solo con el porte
The ladies have made it their great sport, they are intimidated by him just by his demeanor
Salió con raya de tigre pintito,
He came out with a striped tiger,
Los pantalones y bien puesto el cinto.
the pants and the belt well fitted.
Señor Jose Luis es muy respetado, y como espuma hay van escalando.
Mr. Jose Luis is highly respected, and they keep climbing like foam.
Talvez en Virginia,
Maybe in Virginia,
Quizas en Zapopan, por la ruta 1 seguido se asoman.
Perhaps in Zapopan, along route 1 they often appear.
Estan asociados con gente muy seria,
They are associated with very serious people,
Y al que se la juege, se topan con piedras.
And whoever plays with them, runs into trouble.
Los socios y amigos,
Partners and friends,
Que desde su infancia, siguen al tiro, a como la balanza.
Who since childhood, follow the shooting, as the scales tip.
(Y porque no todo es como lo pintan,
(And because not everything is as it seems,
No se vallan con la finta, y puro Aldo Trujillo).
Don't fall for the bluff, and pure Aldo Trujillo).
En un camaro azul se le diviza, al Martincillo que llega de prisa,
In a blue Camaro he can be spotted, Martincillo who arrives in a hurry,
Tomando juntos Don Julio 70,
Drinking together Don Julio 70,
Festejando que arriba ya se van las cuentas.
Celebrating that the accounts are going up.
Aunque todos dudaron mucho de nosotros,
Although everyone doubted us a lot,
Va un saludo pa′ la bola de envidiosos.
Here's a greeting to the bunch of gossips.
Hombre serio porta bien su barba
A serious man wears his beard well
Cerrada, inteligente pa' la negociada.
Closed, intelligent for business.
Abrimos empresas con insertidumbre,
We opened businesses with uncertainty,
Pero ahorita vamos directo a la cumbre.
But now we're heading straight to the top.
Muchos dudaron de nuestro talento, se equivocaron de verdad lo siento.
Many doubted our talent, they were wrong, I'm really sorry.
Con la Super Duty bien camuflajeado
With the Super Duty well camouflaged
Y cuándo hay fiesta con damas alado.
And when there's a party with ladies on the side.
Negocios y business de arriba pa′ bajo.
Business and business from top to bottom.
Y los dos son padres, la la siguen armando.
And the two are fathers, they keep going strong.
Y que no le falte nunca su estimado compa
And may he never lack his esteemed friend
"Berraco", vamos masizo a segiir la paca engordando.
"Berraco", let's go massively to keep fattening the pack.

Авторы: Aldo Alfonzo Trujillo

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