Alee Alejandro feat. Remek - Porque Me Enamoré de Ti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alee Alejandro feat. Remek - Porque Me Enamoré de Ti

Porque Me Enamoré de Ti
Because I Fell In Love With You
Te amo, te quiero yo
I love you, I love you
Una vez mas mi corazon
Once again my heart
Va a palpitar no se
Will palpitate I don't know
Porque me enamore sabiendo
Because I fell in love knowing
Que... Me irias queriendo
That... You would love me
No porque me enamore de ti
I don't know why I fell in love with you
Sabiendo que tenias dueño al fin
Knowing that you had an owner after all
Pude notar que tu lo amabas
I could tell that you loved him
Pude notar que tu siempre lo extrañabas
I could tell that you always missed him
Pase mil horas tratnaod de explicarme
I spent a thousand hours trying to explain
El porque no podia dejar de amarte
Why I couldn't stop loving you
Senti un vacio dentro de mi
I felt a void inside me
Ese vacio te necesitaba a ti
That emptiness needed you
Te amo, te quiero yo
I love you, I love you
Una vez mas mi corazon
Once again my heart
Va a palpitar no se
Will palpitate I don't know
Porque me enamore sabiendo
Because I fell in love knowing
Que... Me irias queriendo
That... You would love me
Si, okey, es el remek
Yeah, okay, it's the Remek
Si sabia que dirias que no
Yes, I knew you would say no
Y de todos modos cai, que ironia
And I fell anyway, what irony
Yeao, pa!
Yeah, man!
No porque me enamore de tu persona
I don't know why I fell in love with you
Mi corazon no entiende, te fuiste y no razona
My heart doesn't understand, you left and it doesn't reason
No porque motico me diste alas
I don't know why you gave me wings
Para que las ponias si ibas a cortalas
Why did you give them to me if you were going to cut them?
Cual fue tu objetivo? Con que fin lo
What was your goal? With what purpose did you?
Hiciste? Me enamoraste, no llegaste
Do it? You made me fall in love, you didn't arrive
Y asi te fuiste tenias dueño y lo
And that's how you left, you had an owner and you
Sabias desde el comienzo parada
You knew it from the start
En mi camino, tu fuiste mi tropiezo
You were my obstacle on my way
Y en silencio, solo tu con un abrazo
And in silence, only you with a hug
Nunca se unieron y rompiste nuestro lazo
We never got together and you broke our bond
Con que derecho hiciste lo que hiciste?
By what right did you do what you did?
Sentias bonito pero algo serio nunca quisiste
You felt good but you never wanted anything serious
Te amo un buen, lo sabes no me preguntes
I love you a lot, you know, don't ask me
Te recordate de cualquier forma, no te preocupes
I remember you anyway, don't worry
Pues ya que le hago, si solo me di cuenta nadie
Well, what can I do, if I only realized that nobody
Me la dijo yo solo abri la puerta
Told me, I only opened the door
Para llegar a ver lo que tu ocasionabas
To get to see what you were causing
Bien linda conmigo y ya con otro andabas
Very nice to me and already with another you were walking
Que mala chava, no lo esperaba y te amaba
What a bad girl, I didn't expect it and I loved you
Me hablababas bien bonito y ahora veo que la aplicabas
You talked to me so nicely and now I see that you were just going through the motions
Eso no se hace, acaso tu no sientes? que pensarias si
That's not done, don't you feel it? what would you think if
Te hacen lo que le haces a la gente? fuiste distinta o igual
They do to you what you do to people? were you different or the same
De actitud me quedo con lo primero, nadie es igual que tu
In attitude I stay with the first, nobody is like you
Fuiste muy buena actuando como cualquiera
You were very good at acting like anyone else
Y no me vangas que me amas a tu manera
And don't come to me that you love me in your own way
Ya no te creo algun dia te olvidare
I don't believe you anymore, someday I'll forget you
Lo que quieras si algun dia vuelves
Whatever you want if you ever come back
Pero yo ya no estare
But I won't be there anymore
Te amo, te quiero yo
I love you, I love you
Una vez mas mi corazon
Once again my heart
Va a palpitar no se
Will palpitate I don't know
Porque me enamore sabiendo
Because I fell in love knowing
Que... Me irias queriendo
That... You would love me

Alee Alejandro feat. Remek - Ese Tonto Soy Yo
Ese Tonto Soy Yo
дата релиза

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