Amor tranquilo no te voy a molestar mi suerte estaba hechada ya lo se y se que hay un torrente dando vueltas por tu mente
My tranquil love, I won't bother you. My fate was sealed, I know it now. I can sense the turmoil swirling in your mind.
Amor lo nuestro solo fue casualidad la misma hora el mismo bulevard.
My love, our encounter was merely a coincidence. The same time, the same boulevard.
No temas no hay cuidado no te culpo del pasado ya lo vez la vida es asi tu te vas y yo me quedo aqui llovera y ya no sere tuya sere la gata bajo la lluvia y maullare por yi,
Fear not, my dear. I don't blame you for the past. You see, life is like this. You leave, and I remain. It will rain, and I will no longer be yours. I will be the cat in the rain, meowing for you.
Amor no se no digas nada de verdad si ves alguna lagrima perdon ya se que no has querido hacer llorar a un gato herido
My love, don't speak. Really, if you see a tear, forgive me. I know you never meant to make a wounded cat cry.
Amor su alguna vez nos vemos por ahi invitame un cafe y hazme el amor y si ya no vuelvo a verte ojla y tengas suerte
My love, if we ever cross paths again, buy me a coffee and make love to me. And if I never see you again, I wish you luck.
Ya lo vez la vida es asi
You see, life is like this
Tu te vas
You leave
Y yo me que aqui
And I stay here
Llovera y ya no sere tuya sere la gata bajo la lluvia
It will rain, and I will no longer be yours. I will be the cat in the rain
Ya lo vez es asi tu te vaz y yo me quedo aqui llovera y ya no sere tuya ser la gata bajo la lluvia y maullare por ti.
You see, it's like this. You leave, and I stay here. It will rain, and I will no longer be yours. I will be the cat in the rain, meowing for you.
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