Alejandro Filio - Nire Poesia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alejandro Filio - Nire Poesia

Nire Poesia
My Poetry
Nire poesia oso merkea da
My poetry is very cheap
Herriaren ahotik
From the mouths of the people
Hartu nuen debalde,
I took it for free,
Eta debalde ematen diot
And for free I give it
Herriaren belarriari.
To the ears of the people.
Nik ere badut nire egia
I also have my truth
Eta bankero jaunarenak
And that of the banker
Bezainbat edo baino gehiago
Is worth as much or more
Balio du.
Than mine.
Munduko gauza guztiak gastatzen dira:
All the things in the world are spent:
Gastatzen da osasuna, maitasuna, deseoa...
Health, love, and desire are spent...
Bizioa, gutizia, bizia, eta erresen gastazen da
Vice, anger, life, and all expenses are expended
Munduko gauzarik iraukorrena, gogorrena, dirua.
The most enduring, enduring, and hardest thing in the world, money.
Inork badio: nire etxean eztago bakerik
If someone says: there is no peace in my house
Bila beza bakea hauzoko etxean
Let him seek peace in the next house
Edo munduko basterrik azkenean
Or finally in the vastness of the world
Baina etxean bakea balu,
But if he had peace in his house,
Eztezala gerraik inun bila
Let him not search for war in the world
Bakea eta etxea galdoko baitu
Because he will lose peace and home
Munduko basterretan.
In the vastness of the world.

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