Alejuandro Buendija - Spilja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alejuandro Buendija - Spilja

Daj narodu šta hoće
Give the people what they want
Daj narodu šta želi
Give the people what they desire
Iluziju sriće pa nek' se veseli
An illusion of happiness so they can rejoice
Ludog mesa za konzumere bez mjere
Crazy meat for consumers without measure
Gole sise i štikle za mazohiste
Big breasts and heels for masochists
Život žive tuđ' bolni i jadni
Living someone else's painful and miserable life
Pola planete gladuje, a oni boje se gladi
Half the planet is starving, but they are afraid of hunger
Jebu ih standardi pa uzdišu i cvile
They are fucked by standards, so they sigh and whine
Izglasat će mantate za iste debile
They will vote for mantates for the same morons
A oni svi su isti jer o čemu se radi
And they are all the same because what is it about
Politika se odavno utopila u estradi
Politics has long drowned in entertainment
Igru vode korporacije više nema duha
Corporations are running the game, there is no spirit left
Samo životinjska buka, igara i kruha
Just animal noise, play and bread
Tijelo žudi i bludi, a nudizam svugi se nudi
The body craves and fornicates, and nudism is offered everywhere
Uzbudi, pa sludi kad uzalud se trudiš
Excite, then make you stupid when you try in vain
Pa 'e živac tanak pa se tankaš na šanku
So your nerve is thin, so you thin yourself at the bar
Stežeš šaku, slušaš cajku uz sisu na dodajku
You clench your fist, listen to turbo-folk with a boob on a strap-on
Ti bi opet sisa majku u sisanju je spas
You would suck your mother again, in sucking there is salvation
Il' je nemir, il' je stras ovdje kod nas
Either restlessness or passion here with us
Zato budi pas i slini na te cure
So be a dog and drool over those girls
U isto vrime bi bile svetice i kurve
At the same time, they would be saints and whores
Sirove starsti su teren za igrače
Raw stardom is a playground for players
Koji nas tlače i štuju zakon jače
Who oppress us and worship the law of the strongest
A raja skače pa palače jer se srame
And the people jump, then palaces because they are ashamed
Šta život im nije kao onaj sa reklame
That their life is not like the one from the commercials
I ljubav je zov u koji tira ih gen
And love is a call that the gene pulls them into
Šta altruizam pretvori u sebično za tren
What altruism turns into selfishness for a moment
Odjeba sam sranja, čua radosnu vijest
I got rid of the shit, heard the good news
Eci peci pec pomaknuta svijest
Eci pec pec, shifted consciousness
Duša je besmrtna, besmrtan je Platon
The soul is immortal, Plato is immortal
Sve energija samo se ukazuje kartom
All energy, it only shows itself through a card
Ljubav je zakon izlazim iz spilje
Love is the law, I'm coming out of the cave
I gledam u sunce, a sunce se smije
And I look at the sun, and the sun smiles
Dok zvuk bubnja pogađa moju zjenicu
While the sound of the drum hits my pupil
Usred spilje započinjem rečenicu
In the middle of the cave, I start a sentence
Pa ovaj rap repam po 'ko zna koji put
So this rap I rap for who knows how many times
Dok vrijeme ide u krug, čovjek ostaje lud
While time goes in circles, man remains crazy
Ljudi se dijele na frakcije, sa svih strana distrakcije
People are divided into factions, distractions from all sides
High tech igračke i komične interakcije
High-tech toys and comical interactions
U spilji puno jeftine zanimacije, zajebancije
In the cave, a lot of cheap entertainment, jokes
Gdje su zvijeri atrakcije ljudski zub koji sramim se
Where beasts are attractions, a human tooth that I'm ashamed of
Svakodnevne evaluacije, živi mrtvaci trebaju reanimacije
Daily evaluations, living corpses need resuscitation
Promjenu strukture moždane substancije
A change in the structure of the brain substance
Možda to postignu vibracije
Maybe vibrations will achieve this
Naše nove apstrakcije prljave poput kanalizacije
Our new abstractions are dirty like sewage
Dok živimo u spilji piljim u televizor
While we live in the cave, I stare at the TV
Debili me govore što trebam vidit', čut', osjećat' i mislit
Morons tell me what I should see, hear, feel and think
Dok živimo u spilji promili alkohola mi u žili
While we live in the cave, alcohol levels in our veins
A u sred mozga dimni signal i nijanske vatre u divljini
And in the middle of the brain, a smoky signal and nuances of fire in the wild
Ništa nije onako kako se čini
Nothing is what it seems
Savršen hologramski privid u kojem moramo živit'
A perfect holographic illusion in which we must live
Čista genijalnost onog 'ko je sve to uspio smislit'
Pure genius of the one who managed to come up with all this
Sofisticirani zatvor u kojem smo protagonisti
A sophisticated prison in which we are the protagonists
Pa dišemo, mičemo usnama, pričamo isti jezik
So we breathe, move our lips, speak the same language
A katastofične posljedice imaju naše riječi
And our words have catastrophic consequences
Sunce nas zove stalno, al' ga uporno odvijamo nažalost
The sun calls us constantly, but we stubbornly turn it away, unfortunately
Spilja je naša stvarnost
The cave is our reality
Jer samo za spilju znamo
Because we only know the cave

Авторы: Aleksandar Antic, Aleksandar Dobras, Ivan Vukovic

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