Aleksandra Radovic - Aleksandra Radovic / Otpisi Sve Bivse - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aleksandra Radovic - Aleksandra Radovic / Otpisi Sve Bivse

Aleksandra Radovic / Otpisi Sve Bivse
Aleksandra Radovic / Write Off All the Exes
Ja sam kao sat
I'm like a clock
Jedno pokazem, a drugo otkucam
I show one thing, but tick another
Samo da ti vidim lice
Just to see your face
Kad prodjem i kad te ne pogledam
When I pass by and don't look at you
Govoris da tebi sve je jedno
You say that you don't care
Dok stojis sam i na visini
While you stand alone and on a height
Reci, kako ti se cini
Tell me, what do you think
Detalj na maloj crnoj haljini
Of the detail on my little black dress
Ko voda, reka ljudi
Like water, a river of people
Moze proci tu, kraj nas
Can pass by here, near us
A ti i ja
But you and I
Svako ostace u svom delu svemira
Will each remain in our own part of the universe
Otpisi sve bivse
Write off all the exes
Za tebe srce dise
My heart beats for you
Jer znam da mesta ima
Because I know there's a place
Tu, pored tebe, u oblaku dima
There, next to you, in a cloud of smoke
Otpisi sve bivse
Write off all the exes
Jer ja te zelim vise
Because I want you more
Izgovori mi ime i tog trenutka
Say my name and that very moment
Ces znati da volis me
You'll know that you love me
Zamisljam te ja
I imagine you
Levim ramenom mi usne zatvaras
Closing my lips with your left shoulder
Onim desnim, o, moj Boze
With your right one, oh my God
U ocima novo nebo mi otvaras
You're opening a new sky in my eyes
Hodacu za tobom cele noci
I'll walk after you all night long
Toliko znam u ovom trenu
That much I know in this moment
Samo vidim zaljubljenu zenu
I only see a woman in love
I jedan trag u vremenu
And a single trace in time
Pod vodom staze nema
There's no path underwater
Ne postoji put, idi dnom
There's no road, go to the bottom
Za mojim snom
For my dream
Ja te negde cekam ko Eva s jabukom
I'm waiting for you somewhere like Eve with an apple
Otpisi, otpisi sve bivse, otpisi
Write off, write off all the exes, write off
Otpisi sve bivse, otpisi sve bivse
Write off all the exes, write off all the exes

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