Aleksandra Radovic - Nemoj - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Aleksandra Radovic - Nemoj

I Can't
Noćas ne mogu da zaspim
Tonight, I can't fall asleep
Pred oči dolazis mi
You keep coming to my mind
I samo lepog se sećam
And I only remember the good times
Ružno sve zaboravim
I forget all the bad times
I mrzim to što sam sama
And I hate being alone
Što konce ne mogu
I can't seem to let go
Da pohvatam opet
To capture the ends again
Slepom ulicom hodam
I walk down a dead-end street
A kraj znam joj napamet
But I know it by heart
Ti si bio sav moj svet
You were my whole world
Kaži zašto kvariš sve
Tell me why you're ruining everything
Sada kad je najgore
Now when it's the worst
Opet nisi uz mene
You're not with me again
Nemoj da kažeš da svemu je kraj
Don't tell me it's over
Neću podneti
I won't stand for it
Da nema te tu kada započnem dan
That you're not here when I start the day
I nisam ti ni napameti
And I'm not even in your memory
Nemoj da kažeš da svemu je kraj
Don't tell me it's over
Iako odavno vidi se
Even though it's been obvious for a long time
Kad se iskradeš iz našeg kreveta
When you sneak out of our bed
Da ideš njoj to jasno je
It's clear you're going to her
Nemoj da kažeš da nema nas više
Don't tell me we're over
Nemoj da kažeš ne, ne, ne
Don't say no, no, no
Nemoj da kažeš da nema nas više
Don't tell me we're over
Nemoj da kažeš ne, ne, ne
Don't say no, no, no
I mrzim to što sam slaba
And I hate that I'm so weak
Što konce ne mogu
That I can't let go
Da pohvatam opet
To capture the ends again
Slepom ulicom hodam
I walk down a dead-end street
A kraj znam joj napamet
But I know it by heart
Ti si bio (sav moj svet) sav moj svet
You were (my whole world) my whole world
(Kaži zašto kvariš sve)
(Tell me why you're ruining everything)
Kaži zašto
Tell me why
(Sad kada je) najgore
(Now when it's) the worst
Opet nisi uz mene
You're not with me again
Nemoj da kažeš da svemu je kraj
Don't tell me it's over
(Nemoj da kažeš) Neću podneti
(Don't tell me) I won't stand for it
Neću podneti
I won't stand for it
(Da nema te tu kada započnem dan
(That you're not here when I start the day
I nisam ti ni napameti)
And I'm not even in your memory)
Nemoj da kažeš da svemu je kraj
Don't tell me it's over
Iako odavno vidi se
Even though it's been obvious for a long time
Kad se iskradeš iz našeg kreveta
When you sneak out of our bed
Da ideš njoj to jasno je
It's clear you're going to her
Nemoj da kažeš da nema nas više
Don't tell me we're over
Nemoj da kažeš ne, ne, ne
Don't say no, no, no
Nemoj da kažeš da nema nas više
Don't tell me we're over
Nemoj da kažeš ne, ne, ne
Don't say no, no, no

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