Aleman feat. Yung Sarria & Fntxy - Tantas Veces - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aleman feat. Yung Sarria & Fntxy - Tantas Veces

Tantas Veces
So Many Times
¡Hey, Yung Sarria!
Hey, Yung Sarria!
You, Hey
You, Hey
¿Cuantas veces lo intentaron?
How many times did they try?
Cuantas veces lo intentaron, planearon, alertaron
How many times did they try, plan, alert
Pero nunca nos pudieron disparar
But they could never shoot us
Se subieron, se bajaron, preguntaron, se callaron
They went up, they went down, they asked, they shut up
Pero en mi barrio nunca nadie va a hablar
But in my neighborhood nobody's ever gonna talk
Acelerao' like a monster, todo tiene un coste
Accelerated like a monster, everything has a cost
Me encanta que se frustren, mi gallo echando peste
I love it when they get frustrated, my rooster stinking
De Oeste a Este, cueste lo que cueste
From West to East, no matter the cost
Mejor me fumo este y ¡Aaah!
I better smoke this one and Aaah!
Mantengo molesto, conmigo mismo
I keep myself annoyed
Por que todavia tengo vivo mucho' enemigo' ¡Ja!
Because I still have a lot of enemies alive! Ha!
Y si hace fata yo lo consigo
And if it's missing, I'll get it
Han sido perras, pero no me lo pensé pa' darle abrigo
They've been bitches, but I didn't hesitate to give them shelter
Alemán got them things
Alemán got them things
Fntxy got them things, nos metimos hasta el fin
Fntxy got them things, we got in all the way
Need three crowns, we feel like kings
Need three crowns, we feel like kings
Trynna get house on the hills
Trynna get house on the hills
Foreign cars, shinning wheels
Foreign cars, shinning wheels
Si necesitamos reals
If we need reals
Cogemos el cel my G's ¡Ja!
We grab the phone my G's Ha!
Por que soy de donde soy, esto es distinto
Because I'm from where I'm from, this is different
Por que vos las dibujas, yo soy el que las pinto
Because you draw them, I'm the one who paints them
Por que el tote se me atasca y a chuzo te extingo
Because the tote gets stuck on me and I extinguish you with a prick
Desde niño vendiendole Alaska a to' estos gringos
Since I was a kid selling Alaska to all these gringos
¡Eyow!, Luna llena quieren más yeyo
Eyow!, Full moon they want more yeyo
Nosotros no ensayamos los ladrillos con el sello
We don't rehearse the bricks with the stamp
Intentan evacuar el edificio por aquello
They try to evacuate the building because of that
No quiso esperarlo abajo en un sexto lo estallo
He didn't want to wait for him downstairs, I blew him up on a sixth
Cuantas veces lo intentaron, planearon, alertaron
How many times did they try, plan, alert
Pero nunca nos pudieron disparar
But they could never shoot us
Se subieron, se bajaron, preguntaron, se callaron
They went up, they went down, they asked, they shut up
Pero en mi barrio nunca nadie va a hablar
But in my neighborhood nobody's ever gonna talk
Acelerao' like a monster, todo tiene un coste
Accelerated like a monster, everything has a cost
Me encanta que se frustren, mi gallo echando peste
I love it when they get frustrated, my rooster stinking
De Oeste a Este, cueste lo que cueste
From West to East, no matter the cost
Mejor me fumo este y ¡Aaah!
I better smoke this one and Aaah!
Es otro dia en el barrio ¡morro!
It's another day in the neighborhood, kid!
Pues he nacido en un mundo cholo
Well, I was born in a cholo world
Si ataco, lo hago con dolo
If I attack, I do it with intent
Te tumbamos como bolos
We knock you down like bowling pins
¡Ay compa Alemán! siempre amo las cosas malas
Oh, compa Aleman! I always love bad things
Las señoras muerte
The ladies of death
De apellido balas
Last name bullets
Por que de pequeño, pa' volar pedí unas alas
Because when I was little, I asked for wings to fly
Y nunca las tuve, pa' volar tuve canalas
And I never had them, to fly I had channels
Los años no los se
I don't know the years
Voy pa' los treinta
I'm going for thirty
Nadie me dice, nadie me cuenta
Nobody tells me, nobody tells me
Tu solo sigue tu camino fijo
You just keep going your way
Que a dracula de hielo no lo vencen crucifijos
That ice dracula is not defeated by crucifixes
Esto es asi, lo malo me sale
This is how it is, the bad comes out of me
Rondaré en la noche para ver si tengo jale
I'll go around at night to see if I have any pull
Así es mi vida, soy así
This is my life, I am like this
Perdona si corte el pastel y nunca te di
Sorry if I cut the cake and never gave you any
Cuantas veces lo intentaron, planearon, alertaron
How many times did they try, plan, alert
Pero nunca nos pudieron disparar
But they could never shoot us
Se subieron, se bajaron, preguntaron, se callaron
They went up, they went down, they asked, they shut up
Pero en mi barrio nunca nadie va a hablar
But in my neighborhood nobody's ever gonna talk
Acelerao' like a monster, todo tiene un coste
Accelerated like a monster, everything has a cost
Me encanta que se frustren, mi gallo echando peste
I love it when they get frustrated, my rooster stinking
De Oeste a Este, cueste lo que cueste
From West to East, no matter the cost
Mejor me fumo este y ¡Aaah!
I better smoke this one and Aaah!
¿Cuantas veces que lo intenta?
How many times do you try it?
Yo ni me doy cuenta, tranquilito por la yeka
I don't even notice, I'm chillin' in the yeka
Andamos en la camioneta, con los míos no te metas
We're in the truck, don't mess with my people
El Alemán trajo una merca, que nos pone bien alerta
The German brought a merch, that puts us on alert
Y asi ando, quemando por el area
And that's how I am, burning around the area
Vengo con el Sarria
I'm coming with the Sarria
No tiramos labia
We don't throw labia
Oooh, ese bluf no me engaña
Oooh, that bluff doesn't fool me
Ando con la maña
I walk with the skill
La muevo en España
I move it in Spain
Jodiendo con los fans
Fucking with the fans
Keep it flexin for the cash
Keep it flexin for the cash
We the hood superstars
We the hood superstars
Loco andamos super high
Crazy we're super high
Orgulloso de mi gang, que la pone en el top
Proud of my gang, who puts it on the top
La pone en el club, dbt & homegrown
Puts it in the club, dbt & homegrown
¿Cuántas veces?
How many times?
Buscando billete
Looking for a ticket
Desde que amanece
Since dawn
Todo por mis Gangstas
All for my Gangstas
What the fuck? ese
What the fuck? that one
Si no te parece
If you don't like it
Pues desaparece, aquí somos los jefes. (Yeah!)
Well, disappear, we are the bosses here. (Yeah!)

Aleman feat. Yung Sarria & Fntxy - Tantas Veces
Tantas Veces
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