Alex Airinei - Sa Fii Tu Aia Oare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alex Airinei - Sa Fii Tu Aia Oare

Sa Fii Tu Aia Oare
Will You Be There?
Strada m-a facut, sunt de pe Gloriei
The street made me, I'm from Gloriei
Haine noi in fiecare zi, sunt de pe Gloriei
New clothes every day, I'm from Gloriei
Nu stiu unul ca mine intr-o faza ca asta
I don't know anyone like me in a phase like this
Cand ai atatea fete, te gandesti la asta?
When you have so many girls, do you think about that?
Ti-am scris din inchisoare, unii zic ca e stupid
I wrote you from prison, some say it's stupid
Dar daca te iubesc, nu pot sa spun ce simt
But if I love you, I can't say what I feel
Da, ma gandesc la tine in fiecare zi
Yes, I think about you every day
Da, cum ti-am spus, in fiecare zi
Yes, like I said, every day
De ce te porti asa distant dar ma atragi asa?
Why are you acting so distant, but you attract me so much?
M-am deschis in fata ta, acum fa si tu ceva
I opened up to you, now you do something too
Cum zicea Tupac, sunt singur contra lumii
As Tupac said, I'm alone against the world
Sa fim Bonnie si Clyde, nu conteaza ce zic unii
Let's be Bonnie and Clyde, no matter what anyone says
El nu te cunoaste, vreau sa fiu cu tine
He doesn't know you, I want to be with you
600 Gloriei, istorie din aia vie
600 Gloriei, that's real history
Sa nu fiu ala care zice ala nu
Don't be the one who says no
Dar daca eu nu-s adevarul atunci arata-l tu
But if I'm not the truth, then show me
Ne avem, dublu A, lasa-ma in viata ta
We have each other, double A, let me into your life
Nu ma joc cu tine, vreau sa fii a mea
I'm not playing with you, I want you to be mine
Ne avem, dublu A, lasa-ma in viata ta
We have each other, double A, let me into your life
Nu ma joc cu tine, vreau sa fii a mea.
I'm not playing with you, I want you to be mine.
Nu stii ce-ai in fata ta, la-si pe altii sa vorbeasca
You don't know what's in front of you, let others talk
Astia sunt molai le e frica sa-ti vorbeasca
They're wimps, they're afraid to talk to you
Au frica de tine, eu te merit si stii bine
They're afraid of you, I deserve you and you know it
Iti aduce flori dar el nu moare pentru tine
He brings you flowers, but he won't die for you
Stau acuma si fumez, gandesc, reflect
I'm sitting here smoking now, thinking, reflecting
Stiu exact ce iti doresti, ne-am potrivi perfect
I know exactly what you want, we would be perfect together
Multi sunt dupa tine dar nici unul nu e sef
Many are after you, but none of them are boss
Daca esti super femeie vrei un super man corect?
If you're a super-woman, you want a super-man right?
Am venit la tine cat se poate de direct
I came to you as directly as possible
Puzzle-ul tau fara mine arata incomplet
Your puzzle looks incomplete without me
Tu esti pentru mine, esti facuta pentru mine
You are for me, you are made for me
Eu sunt nervos ca el se uita, tu nervoasa ca-i pe mine.
I'm nervous when he looks, you're nervous because it's on me.

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