Alex Zurdo - El Semaforo (En Vivo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alex Zurdo - El Semaforo (En Vivo)

El Semaforo (En Vivo)
The Traffic Light (Live)
El semaforo está en rojo, el trafico está pesado
The traffic light is red, the traffic is heavy
son las cinco de la tarde, ruta de lo acostumbrado
It's five in the afternoon, the usual route
voy camino a casa, luego de un dia largo y cansado
I'm on my way home, after a long and tiring day
tengo música de fondo me mantiene relajado.
I have music in the background keeping me relaxed.
Entre carros o mentir y mucho ruido,
Among cars and lies and a lot of noise,
veo alguien que camina con su rostro entristesido,
I see someone walking with a sad face,
tenía un recipiente, que contenía un par de monedas
He had a container, containing a couple of coins
y una frase repetida 'brother dame lo que puedas'
And a repeated phrase 'brother give me what you can'
Allí siempre se pasaba por la tarde y mañana,
He always hung out there in the afternoon and morning,
unos lo esperaban, otros le cerraban la ventana
Some waited for him, others closed the window on him
y si alguien le hablaba era en forma de prejuicio,
And if someone spoke to him it was with prejudice,
no le daban pa' su hambre, pensaban que era pal' vicio.
They didn't give him for his hunger, they thought it was for his vice.
Le veia agotado, no daba más, estaba exhausto, da un suspiro
I saw him exhausted, he couldn't take it anymore, he was exhausted, he sighs
y al momento se dirije hacia mi auto, un carto que me decia 'hace tiempo
And at the moment he heads towards my car, a cardboard that said 'it's been a while
que no ceno, porfavor dame la mano, no soy malo, yo soy bueno'
since I've had dinner, please give me a hand, I'm not bad, I'm good'
Además de unas monedas
In addition to some coins
va arrastrando unas cadenas,
He's dragging some chains,
dolor una condena que consuela por sus venas.
Pain, a sentence that consoles through his veins.
Vacío que no llena, al contrario lo envenena
Emptiness that doesn't fill, on the contrary it poisons him
recuerdo del pasado, esperanza pa' sus venas.
Memories of the past, hope for his veins.
Cuando le brinde la ayuda para saciar su barriga,
When I offered him help to satisfy his hunger,
con los ojos muy aguados, dijo que Dios te bendiga
With teary eyes, he said God bless you
da la vuelta con su cara triste, medio avergonzado,
He turns around with his sad face, half ashamed,
yo sentía que queria hablarme, que no habia terminado
I felt like he wanted to talk to me, that he wasn't finished
Cuando ya me da la espalda dije tambien te bendigo
When he turned his back on me I said I bless you too
pero te hago una pregunta. dime que paso contigo?
But I ask you a question, tell me what happened to you?
Respiro profundo, y regreso... para entoces contarme
He took a deep breath, and came back... to tell me then
y me dice porfavor ahora no vaya a juzgarme
And he says please don't judge me now
porque ya son muchos los que me han venido con sermones.
Because there are already many who have come to me with sermons.
Como tú, yo soy humano y tomo malas decisiones
Like you, I am human and I make bad decisions
yo también tenía familia, yo también tenía un hogar
I also had a family, I also had a home
tengo un hijo que a la cara no me quiere ni mirar
I have a son who doesn't even want to look me in the face
Y a su madre en ese entonces no la supe valorar
And at that time I didn't know how to value his mother
hice algo incorrecto y no me quieren perdonar
I did something wrong and they don't want to forgive me
pero lo más que me duele, recuerdo aquel dia 2
But what hurts me the most, I remember that day 2
cuando decidí alejarme completamente de Dios.
When I decided to completely distance myself from God.
Además de unas monedas
In addition to some coins
va arrastrando unas cadenas
He's dragging some chains
dolor una condena que consuela por sus venas.
Pain, a sentence that consoles through his veins.
Vacío que no llena, al contrario lo envenena
Emptiness that doesn't fill, on the contrary it poisons him
recuerdo del pasado, esperanza pa' sus venas.
Memories of the past, hope for his veins.
El semaforo cambió y ya tenia que marcharme,
The traffic light changed and I had to leave,
hice una oración por él, con la intención de restaurarle
I prayed for him, with the intention of restoring him
declarando que para subir, iba a salir el sol
Declaring that the sun was going to come out to rise
que Dios nunca se ha olvidado, siempre ha tenido el control
That God has never forgotten, He has always been in control
Me confieza porque sorprendidamente
He confesses to me because surprisingly
me miraba, es que al verme de momento a su hijo le recordaba
He was looking at me, it's just that seeing me for a moment reminded him of his son
me menciona que a pesar de todo
He mentions to me that despite everything
aún anhelaba volver a ser aquel hombre que
He still longed to be that man again who
a su familia cuidaba, volver a ser aquel hombre que siempre confiaban.
He took care of his family, to be that man they always trusted again.
Pero sentía temor de que ellos lo despreciaran
But he was afraid that they would despise him
y le dije, ya no dudes, no lo creas imposible,
And I told him, don't hesitate any longer, don't think it's impossible,
bien sabes que para el que cree, TODO lo es posible.
You know very well that for the one who believes, EVERYTHING is possible.
Que para su vida nuevamente iba a salir la luz,
That the light was going to come out again for his life,
que buscara a su familia, en el nombre de Jesús,
That he should look for his family, in the name of Jesus,
que le agradeciera porque todavía estaba vivo
That he should thank him because he was still alive
termino diciendo 'gracias, lo recibo'
He ends by saying 'thank you, I receive it'
Además de unas monedas
In addition to some coins
va arrastrando unas cadenas
He's dragging some chains
dolor una condena que consuela por sus venas.
Pain, a sentence that consoles through his veins.
Vacío que no llena, al contrario lo envenena
Emptiness that doesn't fill, on the contrary it poisons him
recuerdo del pasado, esperanza pa' sus venas.
Memories of the past, hope for his veins.
Además de unas monedas
In addition to some coins
va arrastrando unas cadenas
He's dragging some chains
dolor una condena que consuela por sus venas.
Pain, a sentence that consoles through his veins.
Vacío que no llena, al contrario lo envenena
Emptiness that doesn't fill, on the contrary it poisons him
recuerdo del pasado, esperanza pa' sus venas.
Memories of the past, hope for his veins.

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