Alexy - Nu Pleca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alexy - Nu Pleca

Nu Pleca
Don't Leave
Inima din inima mea ti-o spun din inima, din inima mea Inima din inima mea
My heart from my heart tells you from the heart, from my heart My heart from my heart
Vreau sa stiu pentru tine
I want to know for you
Ce inseamna iubirea
What does love mean
Tu fugi mereu n-ai curaj sa mai lupti
You always run away, you don't have the courage to fight anymore
Pot sa vad in privirea ta
I can see in your eyes
C-ai inceput sa renunti deja
That you've already started to give up
La ce conta pentru mine
What mattered to me
Dar inima-mi spune sa cred
But my heart tells me to believe
Sa mai cred in tine.
To believe in you.
Stai, ti-o spun din inima, din inima mea stiu ca inca ne putem salva
Wait, I tell you from my heart, from my heart I know that we can still save ourselves
Chiar daca doare uneori, nu pleca
Even if it hurts sometimes, don't leave
Vreau sa mai stai
I want you to stay
Ti-o spun din inima, din inima mea
I tell you from my heart, from my heart
Stiu ca inca ne putem salva
I know that we can still save ourselves
Chiar daca doare uneori, nu pleca!
Even if it hurts sometimes, don't leave!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Nu pleca!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Don't leave!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Nu pleca!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Don't leave!
Ce se-ntampla cu mine
What's happening to me
Iar ma pierd cu firea
I'm losing my mind again
Tu spui mereu ca n-ai timp sa ma asculti Simt cum dispare magia, da
You always say you don't have time to listen to me I feel the magic disappearing, yeah
M-ai alungat din lumea ta
You banished me from your world
Nu era loc si pentru mine
There was no room for me
Chiar daca azi ploua, ploua din nou
Even if it's raining today, raining again
Mai incercam si maine.
Let's try again tomorrow.
Eu zic sa stai
I say stay
Sa mai stai langa mine
Stay by my side
Sa scriem o poveste, o poveste de iubire Stai,
Let's write a story, a love story Stay,
Mai stai langa mine stii ca suntem dependenti de fericire
Stay by my side you know that we're addicted to happiness

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