Alfakyun - 天樂 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alfakyun - 天樂

Celestial Tune
青い時間 さよなら告げる
Farewell blue hours
The umbrella against the rain left me behind
訪れてた 夏にも気付かずに
I didn't even notice that summer visited
此処は何処だ 僕は誰だと 吼える
Where is this? I scream, who am I?
終わりが無い、と 行き先を殺す
There is no end, I say, killing the destination
分かるはずが無い、と 景色を刺した
I say, I can't understand, stabbing the view
Unable to step outside the forest I built
何故 歩き出さないの?
Why don't you start walking?
何故 創り上げないの?
Why don't you create?
That way, nothing will start
朽ちて腐り行く人を 屍を 超えて
Surpassing the dead, the rotten
打ち鳴らす衝動の刃が 世界を砕く
Now the blade of my impulse strikes, shattering the world
朝焼けが追いつく前に ぐしゃぐしゃに割れた音で構わない
Before the sunrise catches up, I don't care if it breaks into a crumpled noise
My celestial tune
削れたピック 朽ち果てたギター
The worn out pick, the decayed guitar
Mindlessly pounding on my door
通り過ぎた 秋がすぐそこまで
The autumn that passed by is just around the corner
始めよう 無様な真実を 隠せ
Let us begin, conceal the pathetic truth
何故 立ち止まっていたのか
Why did you stop?
何故 拒み続けたのか?
Why did you keep refusing?
And beyond those worries
芽生え狂い咲く音を 帰り道 捨てて
Giving up the sounds that sprouted and bloomed, along the way home
打ち鳴らす衝動の刃が 世界を砕く
Now the blade of my impulse strikes, shattering the world
目が眩むほど美しい 泡沫(うたかた)に揺れた音で貫いて
Piercing with a sound that sways in a mesmerizingly beautiful bubble
My celestial tune
咲き誇る狂色(きょうしょく)の葉が 世界を飾る
Now blooming are the leaves of madness, adorning the world
朝焼けが追いつく前に その核に触れた声を張り上げて
Before the sunrise catches up, raising my voice as I touch its core
My celestial tune

Авторы: ゆうゆ

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