Alfakyun - 終天のオルコス - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alfakyun - 終天のオルコス

Orcus of the End
自問自答 無限苦言ヤバイ
Self-questioning, an endless stream of bitter words, oh so heavy
座礁暗礁に 乗り上げている
Run aground, stuck on treacherous reefs
前頭葉から新たな痛みを 共有したがる情報バイパス
From my frontal lobe, a fresh wave of pain, information bypass craving to be shared
収束できない 不条理スク水
Unconverging nonsense, irrational school swimsuit
吐瀉物噴出 妄想デフラグ
Vomiting forth,妄想defrag
前方不注意 顔面崩壊
Inattention ahead, face collapsing
どうでもいいから マカロン食べたい
I don't care, I just want to eat macarons
諸行無常の リズムに合わせて
To the rhythm of the impermanence of all things
ワンツーステップで 女子力上げれば
With a one-two step, if I were to raise my femininity
ゆるふわ草食 愛され給ふて
Fluffy, herbivorous, so beloved
Though you bid me so, my gathering is in vain
収束できない 無理ゲーパスして
Unable to converge, skipping past the impossible game
面接バックレ 交渉決裂
Dodging interviews, negotiations falling apart
携帯紛失 精神壊滅
Lost my phone,精神崩壊
(*There may be a problem with your autonomic nervous system.)
Spouting off empty, high-flown rhetoric
結局♂♀凹凸擦って 気持ち良くなりたいだけなら
If you're just looking to rub those bumpy bits together, male or female, concave or convex, and feel good
Then hit me with that stick-like thing you've got
紅い華が 咲き乱れて 私は脳漿炸裂ガール
Red flowers blooming in profusion, I'm a brain-splattered girl
Come on, let's dance like crazy
Because a hundred years from now, we'll all be dead anyway
Hold me close as I tremble
If you make my brain secrete even more, I'll
Go all the way to the other side of the moon
(※この電話番号は... この電話番号は...
(*This phone number is... This phone number is...
この電話番号は... この電話番号は...
This phone number is... This phone number is...
この電話番号は... この電話番号は...
This phone number is... This phone number is...
This phone number is...
currently not in use.)
一問一答 カリスマ弁護士
Q&A, charismatic lawyer
How-to本を 売り上げている
Selling how-to books
スタバでキャラメル 濃いやつ頼んで
At Starbucks, order a caramel, make it strong
ドヤ顔したがる 東京バイアス
Trying to act cool, Tokyo bias
量産アイドル 一蓮托生
Mass-produced idols, all in the same boat
お祭り道化師 恋愛NG
Festival clowns, love NG
小悪魔メイクで 触覚生やして
Devilish makeup, antennae sprouting
3時のおやつは マカロン食べます
For my 3 o'clock snack, I'll have macarons
To the beat of the slap bass
ハラキリ フジヤマ ゲイシャが歌えば
Hara-kiri, Fujiyama, sing it, Geisha, and I'll
思わず女子会 飛び入り参戦
Join the girls' night out, uninvited
スイーツ目当てで ツイート控え目
For the sweets, tweeting on the down-low
二次会 焼肉 五反田
Second party, 焼肉, Gotanda
ググって情弱 ウィルス感染
Googling, low info, virus infection
薄型ガラケー 2年で解約
Thin flip phone, canceled after 2 years
(*Please re-enter your PIN.)
Wagging my tail at your beckoning
But I never asked for a docile puppy from the get-go
Tie me up with that hemp rope
マルキ・ド・サド 枕仕事
Marquis de Sade, pillow work
I'm a brain-splattered girl
Come on, let's dance like crazy
Because a hundred years from now, we'll all be dead anyway
Hold me close right now
もっとビショビショ 脳内麻薬に溺れて
Drench me, drown me in mind-altering drugs
Soar beyond the heavens
Come on, let's dance like crazy
A hundred years from now, I'll be
Reborn as a beautiful girl, that's my bet
Come on, cast off your ancient body
If you make my brain secrete even more, I'll
Go all the way to the other side of the moon

Авторы: 150p, Neru

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