Ali Aka Mind - Nostalgia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ali Aka Mind - Nostalgia

No que pasa
I don't know what's happening
En realidad no qué pasa
I really don't know what's happening
No qué pasa
I don't know what's happening
El sentimiento regresó
The feeling came back
Y la coraza
And the fortress
Nuevamente se ablandó
Softened again
No qué pasa
I don't know what's happening
Tal vez es la melodía
Perhaps it's the melody
O la city que aunque hace calor
Or the city which although warm
Me parece fría
Seems cold to me
No si en la otra vida fui un frustrado poeta
I don't know if in a past life I was a frustrated poet
O tal vez fui un atleta que no conoció la meta
Or perhaps I was an athlete who didn't reach the finish line
No entiendo el motivo de tanta melancolía
I don't understand the reason for so much melancholy
Melancolía que no esquivo y no conozco aunque es muy mía
Melancholy that I don't avoid and don't know, although it's fully mine
Tal vez es un plan de alguien en la lejanía
Perhaps it's a plan of someone in the distance
Que juega con el ying yang y hoy me puso esta energía
Who plays with the ying yang and today gave me this energy
Energía pa' pintar de mal mis días felices
Energy to paint my happy days with grey
Energía pa' pintar con sal estas cicatrices
Energy to sprinkle salt on these scars
A veces siento
Sometimes I feel
Que es un premio ser del gremio y en otras me siento
That it's a prize to be part of the club, but at other times I feel
Como un bohemio abstemio
Like an abstemious bohemian
Como derrochando ingenio
Like squandering talent
Como emborrachando un genio
Like getting a genius drunk
Y en otras cansado y abrumado por culpa del tedio
And at other times tired and overwhelmed by boredom
Y la disfruto no hay remedio
And I revel in it, there's no cure
La disfruto aunque me sienta diminuto y un esclavo de un imperio
I revel in it even though I feel tiny and a slave to an empire
La disfruto no hay remedio
I revel in it, there's no cure
Yo la disfruto porque ya probé su fruto y ahora nuestro amor es serio
I revel in it because I've already tasted its fruit and now our love is serious
Go away
Pero regresa
But come back
Yo buscaré una excusa para sentarte en mi mesa
I'll find an excuse to have you at my table
En mi mente confusa quiero ver tu sutileza
In my confused mind I want to see your subtlety
Siempre serás la musa que comprende mi tristeza (Bis)
You'll always be the muse who understands my sadness (Bis)

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