Ali B - Bij Bosjes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ali B - Bij Bosjes

Bij Bosjes
By the Bushes
Yo wat hebben we geleerd van de holocaust
Yo, what have we learned from the holocaust?
Lijkt wel of niks hebben opgelost
Seems like we haven't solved anything
Hypocrieten klootzakken
Hypocrites, assholes
Ben onderweg met me politieke boodschappen
I'm on my way with my political groceries
Je bombardeert een land en laat die mensen dood achter
You bomb a country and leave those people dead behind
Ik trap niet meer in, mij hou je niet meer voor de gek
I'm not falling for it anymore, you can't fool me anymore
En dit is mijn protest, geef een kogelvrij vest
And this is my protest, give me a bulletproof vest
Want met een grote bek eindig je als Martin Luther
Because with a big mouth you end up like Martin Luther
Yo, Ik neem dat risico dit is voor al mijn broeders
Yo, I'm taking that risk, this is for all my brothers
Van ieder ras maakt niet uit waar je geboren bent
Of every race, no matter where you were born
Zolang je mij maar voelt als ik de waarheid onder woorden breng
As long as you feel me when I put the truth into words
Wat als je huis nou werd beschoten door een grote tank
What if your house was shot at by a big tank
Schuldige of niet ze hebben schijt aan wie de fuck je bent
Guilty or not, they don't give a fuck who the fuck you are
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
We are cold blooded killers
We are cold-blooded killers
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
You take lives...
You take lives...
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
Integrity of corporate America
Integrity of corporate America
You take lives. when we have to protect the people
You take lives when we have to protect the people
Waarom steken jullie meer geld in wapenhandel
Why do you guys put more money into arms trade
Dan in ontwikkelingshulp voor Afrikaanse landen
Than into development aid for African countries?
De duivel staat te dansen, en George Bush is de dj
The devil is dancing, and George Bush is the DJ
Tony Blair de host, Balkenende de wc meid
Tony Blair the host, Balkenende the toilet maid
Jullie voelen je nu groot en sterk
You guys feel big and strong now
Als een grote berg, zaaien dood verderf
Like a big mountain, sowing death and destruction
Zo gaat het nog een poosje verder
It'll go on like this for a while
De revolutie komt op als een slome ballad
The revolution is coming up like a slow ballad
Waarom kijken we toe?
Why are we just watching?
Het lijkt alsof de hele wereld schijt in z'n broek
It seems like the whole world is shitting its pants
Vraag me af wat de VN nou eigenlijk doet
I wonder what the UN is actually doing
Kopje koffie met Annan terwijl de strijd word gevoerd
Having coffee with Annan while the battle is being fought
En je hoort ze zeggen...
And you hear them say...
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
We are cold blooded killers
We are cold-blooded killers
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
You take lives...
You take lives...
And that's how the system is suppost to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
Integrity of corporate America
Integrity of corporate America
You take lives. and we're making good progress!
You take lives... and we're making good progress!
Yo ik kijk in de spiegel, tegelijker tijd zie ik
Yo, I look in the mirror, at the same time I see
Dat mijn leven minder waard is dan een klein beetje diesel
That my life is worth less than a little bit of diesel
...waarom worden wij besodemietert
...why are we being screwed over?
Hoe kunnen jullie nou tegen je eigen volk liegen
How can you guys lie to your own people?
En zogenaamd voor de mensenrechten opkomen
And supposedly stand up for human rights
Terwijl jullie verdienen aan die fucking oorlogen
While you guys are making money from those fucking wars
Terwijl je niks geeft om die dochters en zonen
While you don't care about those daughters and sons
Soldaten die na een missie niet meer terug komen
Soldiers who don't come back after a mission
Ik had hoop, maar ik hou het voor gezien
I had hope, but I'm giving up
Want de wereld word bestuurt door gevaarlijke regimes
Because the world is ruled by dangerous regimes
Nu verzamel ik m'n team, yo we vormen een front
Now I gather my team, yo we form a front
En bestrijden die corrupte president als James Bond
And fight that corrupt president like James Bond
And that's how the system is suppose to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
We are cold blooded killers
We are cold-blooded killers
And that's how the system is suppose to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
You take lives...
You take lives...
And that's how the system is suppose to work
And that's how the system is supposed to work
One that makes us less depended on foreign oil
One that makes us less dependent on foreign oil
You take lives. yes, we hope that everybody's got the message
You take lives... yes, we hope that everybody's got the message
And uhm... uhm. I haven't had the briefing yet but uhm.
And uhm... uhm. I haven't had the briefing yet but uhm.
It's a uhm. if you finish... uhm... and uhm... uh you know... let's see.
It's a uhm. if you finish... uhm... and uhm... uh you know... let's see.
The coming weeks I'm going to continue the focus on the pursuing the war!
The coming weeks I'm going to continue the focus on pursuing the war!

Авторы: Clark Alain, Bouali Ali

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