Ali Magic Mg - Looti Bash - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ali Magic Mg - Looti Bash

Looti Bash
Looti Bash
از خزر تا فارس پرچم بالاس به عشق وطنو طرفدارا همش با کار
From the Caspian Sea to Fars, the flag is flying high for the love of our homeland and the fans are always with the workers.
سرمون گرمه همه لوتيا رو صحنه / يا رو تشک کشتي يا توي محله
My passion is strong, all the thugs are on stage / either on the wrestling mat or in the neighborhood
قهرمان من تختيه / شاهم کوروش کبير
My hero is Takhti / my king Cyrus the Great
دور مچم تسبيح و کت رو دوش چنيم
Around my wrist, a rosary and a coat on my shoulders, I am a thug
نگو لوتيا مردن / هنوز مرام هست / جيبام خالي ولي زندگيرو نباختم
Don't say the thugs are dead / there is still loyalty / my pockets are empty but I have not lost my life
زندگيرو برات درس ميدم بلد شي / سرت پايين سنگين باش تا دست به عمل شي
I will teach you life, so you can learn / keep your head down and be serious until you take action
همه چي حله نرو دنبال درد سر / هرچي آقات گفت آروم بگو چشم پدر
Everything is fine, don't go looking for trouble / whatever your master says, calmly say yes, father
مشتي که هستي لوتي بمون مرد / اگه رفتني شدي راضي نشو به موندن
If you are a thug, be a man / if you have to go, don't agree to stay
حرف ناسزا نزن که خوب نيست / توي اين معطليا که پول نيست
Don't swear, it's not good / in this chaos, there is no money
اگه يه بيت از مولانا خوندي باس بفهمي اون گنج توي گور نيست
If you have read one verse of Rumi, you should understand that the treasure is not in the grave
گنجو پيدا کن توي خودت / من اين راهو رفتم پس دور نيست
Find the treasure within yourself / I have walked this path, so it is not far
ميگي مشتي / يکم لوتي باش
You say you're a bro / be a bit of a thug
مثه آقام تختي / يکم لوتي باش
Like my master Takhti / be a bit of a thug
عشق نعمت نفتي / يکم لوتي باش
The love of oil wealth / be a bit of a thug
مثه اقام فردين / يکم لوتي باش
Like my master Fardin / be a bit of a thug
لوتي باش داش / لوتي باش داش / مرام بزار مثه کف دست صاف باش
Be a thug, bro / be a thug, bro / show your morals as if your palm was open
لوتي باش داش / لوتي باش داش / حبستو ميکشم توي بازداشت
Be a thug, bro / be a thug, bro / I'll do your prison time in custody
ميلرزه باهام دماوند / يالا برين کلاغ پر
Damavand trembles with me / let's go, fly like a crow
انقده روم حساب هست که سيبيلمو گرو نزاشتم
I am so respected that I didn't even have to pawn my moustache
لوتي بمونو لوتي باش / يه ايرونه و لوتياش
Stay a thug and be a thug / a true Iranian and his thugs
لوتي باش مثه تختي لوتي بمون مثه فردين
Be a thug like Takhti, stay a thug like Fardin
برا همه مرام بزار حتي با همين دل سنگيت
Show morals to everyone, even with that cold heart of yours
پهلوون سرش پايينه / ببيني تنش خاکيه
A hero keeps his head down / when you see him, his body is covered in dirt
دلش از آسمونه / شادي دل ننش کافيه
His heart is in heaven / his mother's happiness is enough
بزن اون زنگو / پهلوونا نمردن / يادشون خوش / از تک تکشون يه رخصت
Ring that bell / heroes don't die / their memories live on / a farewell from each of them
به ندرت / ديگه ميبيني يکي مثه داداشي / يکي مثه پاشايي / يکي مثه حجازي
Rarely / anymore do you see someone like my brother / someone like Pashaei / someone like Hejaz
يکي مثه من خودت باس خودمون بسازيم
Someone like me that you should create yourself
حساب بي حسابه وقتي معرفت داري / مرد نميشي وقتي عمل نيستو مرد حرفاتي
Respect is immeasurable when you have loyalty / you don't become a man when there is no action and you're a man of your word
يه يا علي بگو برو / سرتو خم کن لوتي
Say a prayer to Ali, go / bow your head, thug
خوشبختي به ماشين و جيباي پر پول نيست
Happiness is not in cars and pockets full of money
ميگي مشتي / يکم لوتي باش
You say you're a bro / be a bit of a thug
مثه آقام تختي / يکم لوتي باش
Like my master Takhti / be a bit of a thug
عشق نعمت نفتي / يکم لوتي باش
The love of oil wealth / be a bit of a thug
مثه اقام فردين / يکم لوتي باش
Like my master Fardin / be a bit of a thug
لوتي باش داش / لوتي باش داش / مرام بزار مثه کف دست صاف باش
Be a thug, bro / be a thug, bro / show your morals as if your palm was open
لوتي باش داش / لوتي باش داش / حبستو ميکشم توي بازداشت
Be a thug, bro / be a thug, bro / I'll do your prison time in custody

Авторы: ali magic mg

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