Alinka - Tatuaj - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Alinka - Tatuaj

Eram la-nceput
It started all of a sudden
Si n-a durat mult
And didn't last long
Iubirea noastra s-a si terminat
Our love was over
Oare chiar n-are rost
Perhaps there's no point
Oare-ai fost doar un fost
Perhaps you're only an ex
Am incercat dar nu te-am uitat
I tried, but I couldn't forget you
Ce urmeaza-i mai greu
What's next is harder
Asa e mereu
That's how it always is
Nu stiu ce simt, nu mai stiu ce vreau
I don't know what I feel, I don't know what I want anymore
Citiți și:
Read also:
Alina Crişan (Alinka) a lansat videoclipul melodiei "Tatuaj"
Alina Crişan (Alinka) released the music video for "Tattoo"
Alina Crişan (Alinka) a lansat prima melodie din cariera solo, "Tatuaj"
Alina Crişan (Alinka) released her first solo career song, "Tattoo
F. Charm şi-a făcut un nou tatuaj
F. Charm got a new tattoo
Nu te vreau inapoi
I don't want you back
Dar mi-e dor de noi
But I miss us
Dar te iubesc
But I love you
Ma iubesti si trecutul a trecut
You love me and the past is gone
Am gresit
I was wrong
Am iertat si o sa gresim si mai mult
I forgave and we'll make even more mistakes
N-am renuntat
I didn't give up
Si sper ca nici tu nu ai uitat
And I hope you haven't forgotten either
Cine sunt
Who I am
Am tatuat numele tau
I tattooed your name
Pe suflet si nu-mi pare rau
On my soul and I don't regret it
As vrea sa simti pentru mine
I'd like you to feel the same
Ce simt pentru tine
That I feel for you
Chiar daca ne-am pierdut
Even though we've lost each other
Am tatuat numele tau
I tattooed your name
Chiar daca m-ai pierdut
Even though you lost me
Chiar daca m-ai pierdut
Even though you lost me
N-am fost doar eu
I wasn't alone
De vina mereu
Always to blame
Eu te-am iertat
I forgave you
Tu, doar m-ai uitat
You simply forgot me
In mintea mea
In my mind
E doar iluzia
It's just an illusion
Dar te iubesc
But I love you
Ma iubesti si trecutul a trecut
You love me and the past is gone
Am gresit
I was wrong
Am iertat si o sa gresim si mai mult
I forgave and we'll make even more mistakes
N-am renuntat
I didn't give up
Si sper ca nici tu nu ai uitat
And I hope you haven't forgotten either
Cine sunt
Who I am
Am tatuat numele tau
I tattooed your name
Pe suflet si nu-mi pare rau
On my soul and I don't regret it
As vrea sa simti pentru mine
I'd like you to feel the same
Ce simt pentru tine
That I feel for you
Chiar daca ne-am pierdut
Even though we've lost each other
Am tatuat numele tau
I tattooed your name
Chiar daca m-ai pierdut
Even though you lost me
Chiar daca m-ai pierdut
Even though you lost me
Chiar daca ne-am pierdut
Even though we've lost each other
Chiar daca ne-am pierdut
Even though we've lost each other
Chiar daca te-am pierdut
Even though I've lost you

Авторы: Razvan Alstani, Silviu Paduraru

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