Alkilados feat. Farruko - El Orgullo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alkilados feat. Farruko - El Orgullo

El Orgullo
El Orgullo (Pride)
Yee ii eeeh
Yee ii eeeh
Cuantas veces me dijiste
How many times have you told me
Que no te meterías con un tipo como yo
That you would never get involved with a guy like me
Pero ahora estamos a solas y todo eso se te olvida
But now we're alone and all that is forgotten
El orgullo donde quedo (Colombia)
Where did your pride go? (Colombia)
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedo
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedo
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Tanto que decía
You said so much
Que con un tipo como yo no se iba a meter
That you would never mess with a guy like me
Tanto que hablaba
You talked so much
Y si escupes para arriba
And if you spit up
En la cara te va a caer
It will fall on your face
Que es lo que quieres todavía
What do you still want?
Tú, me creías un perdedor
You thought I was a loser
Ahora hasta quieres ser mi amiga
Now you even want to be my friend
Vienes rogando un poquitico de pasión
You come begging for a little bit of passion
Y ya te moví esa piedra que tienes por corazón
And you already moved that stone that you have for a heart
Tu volviste
You came back
A los brazos del hombre aquel
To the arms of that man
A quien juraste nunca volverlo a ver
To whom you swore you would never see again
No te puede entender
I can't understand you
Me subestimaste y aun lado me echaste
You underestimated me and put me aside
Pensaste que yo no tenía tu categoría
You thought I was below your league
Te equivocas, mira quién diría
You're wrong, look who's talking
Que al lado mío tu terminarías
That you would end up by my side
Boom bye, bye
Boom bye, bye
Ahora quieres que te de amor
Now you want me to give you love
Ahora quieres que te de calor
Now you want me to give you warmth
Pero como te conozco cuál es tu intención
But I know you, I know what your intentions are
Boom bye, bye
Boom bye, bye
Ahora quieres que te de amor
Now you want me to give you love
Ahora quieres que te de calor
Now you want me to give you warmth
Pero como te conozco cuál es tu intención
But I know you, I know what your intentions are
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedó
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedó
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Sha bara bara (que yo era mejor)
Sha bara bara (that I was better)
Tanto que decía
You said so much
Que con un tipo como yo no se iba a meter
That you would never mess with a guy like me
Tanto que hablaba
You talked so much
Y si escupes para arriba
And if you spit up
En la cara te va a caer
It will fall on your face
Tus palabras me decían que no
Your words told me no
Pero algo en tu mirada me decía que si
But something in your eyes told me yes
Es que nadie manda en el corazón
Because no one controls the heart
Por eso no me sorprende verte tras de mi
That's why I'm not surprised to see you following me
Cuantas veces me dijiste
How many times have you told me
Que no te meterías con un tipo como yo
That you would never get involved with a guy like me
Pero ahora que estamos solos todo eso se te olvida
But now that we're alone, all that is forgotten
El orgullo donde quedo
Where did your pride go?
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedó
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Y en esa cama el orgullo se quedó
And in that bed, your pride stayed
Y ahora quien reí soy yo
And now, who's laughing? Me
Quien iba a pensar que te iba ganar la pasión
Who would have thought that passion would win you over
Que yo era mejor
That I was better
Montana The Producer
Montana The Producer
Frank fusión
Frank fusión
Puerto rico
Puerto rico
Colombia y Puerto Rico
Colombia and Puerto Rico
Que rico
So rich
Los capos de esta cuestión
The bosses of this matter
Eso es pura pura playa
That's pure pure beach
Mas playa y más playa
More beach and more beach
Más playa
More beach
Sha bara bara
Sha bara bara


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