Allame feat. Lider - Deli Masalı - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Allame feat. Lider - Deli Masalı

Deli Masalı
The Tale of the Madman
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You came to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You've come to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale
Ba-ba-baba, kara mizah bu
Ba-ba-dad, this is black humor
Karikatürün içine ko'du bizi rızamız
Into the cartoon ko'du us our consent
Araç yok, hız al
No car, take speed
Pokemon evreni, kadınlar Charizard
Pokemon universe, women Charizard
Harikalar diyarında Alice aptala malum olur
Alice in Wonderland is a fool, as you know
Otur önüme, bi' sıraya koyalım hikâyeme nizam
Sit down in front of me, let's put it in order, I'll order my story
İçeriği Einstein, dışı Mona Lisa
Inside is Einstein, outside is Mona Lisa
Tam 12'den isabet aldı, körlerine de Bizans
He got hit from exactly 12, and Byzantium for his blind
Ah, lügatta yüksek lisans
Ah, a master's degree in literature
Zaman değerli bi' köstekli saat
Time is precious, a watch with a shackle
Bura rap'in hava sahası, ben ağababasıyım
This is rap's airspace, I'm the big brother
Bunu anlayamayan her ferdi saf yeraltının (yeraltının)
Every member of the pure underground who cannot understand this (underground)
En kötü hâlim eder arıza
My worst case is the malfunction
Deneme yorumlamayı, kafan basmaz, Hasan
Essay interpretation, you can't get your head around it, Hasan
Babandan harçlığına yok zam, o andan internetini azalt
No increase in your allowance from your father, reduce your internet from that moment
Batarya kalıcı misafir
Battery is a permanent guest
Lirikalitemin yok hiç emsali
My lyricality has no precedent
Bebelere yatak altı masalları misali
Like bedtime stories for babies
Senin on yılına bedel bir saatim
I'm an hour worth your ten years
Assassin'ler kurulu Company bariz
Assassins board Company obvious
İçinde oyunun adı, kalk sağ salim
The name of the game is in it, get up safely
Dolar mesain, M16 sahici
Dollar shift, M16 genuine
Yer Ortadoğu fakat adın İsrail (ah)
The place is the Middle East, but your name is Israel (ah)
Sana Pompeii gibi lanet insin, bırak teybi
May the curse descend on you like Pompeii, leave the tape
Düşüncelerini yerin dibine sok
Put your thoughts in the ground
Amacın hip-hop değil ki, seni nigga, buz hokeyi
Your goal is not hip-hop, you nigga, it's ice hockey
Kılavuz ekmek derdinde, züppe cocaine
In the problem of guide bread, snobby cocaine
Peynirden gemilere kaptan epeydir
From cheese to ships, the captain has been a long time
Bu Batarya dediğin oluşum Everest gibi sırtına yüklenip alır çileyi
This formation that you call the Battery is loaded on your back like Everest and takes the ordeal
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You came to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You came to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale
Gerginliğimin sebebini sorma
Don't ask the reason for my nervousness
İstersem günler doğmaz, doğmaz, doğmaz
If I want, the days won't be born, won't be born, won't be born
Her denemede yine pencerelere gidiş olmaz, olmaz, olmaz
Not going to the windows again every time I try, no, no, no
Zelzeleleri velvelelerden bile kurnaz (kurnaz)
Their tricks are even more cunning than velvets (cunning)
Bir geminin korsanları var diye Ali İsmail'ler korkmaz
Ali Ismails are not afraid because there are pirates on a ship
Seneler gider ve beceren yaşar
The years go by and whoever does it lives
Çeneden düşer bu şeceren, yaşa
This genealogy falls out of the mouth, live
Senin el kadar umudunu pençeleyenin ömrüne
To the life of the one who clawed your hope as much as your hand
Gözyaşı biçer mi paha?
Does he reap tears, dear?
Geri dönün ama bilin, ömür irinine bürünüp
Come back, but know that you are covered in the pus of life
İçimize çöl ekecektir her an
He will plant a desert inside us at any moment
Kurumaya vakit mi var?
Do you have time to dry?
Bölünen uykuları kerpetenle söker yalan dolan
Remove the divided sleep with pliers, lie dolan
E-e-e-eli dolu geçilecek ömür
E-e-e-life to be passed with a full hand
Eni sonu geceleri körüz
At the end of the day we are blind at night
Gel hemen seç, kaderin sert tokadını yemeden gül
Come choose now, laugh before you eat the hard slap of fate
Farkında mısın ne menem düş?
Do you realize what kind of dream?
Verilen emek yerine demek gitmedi
Instead of the labor given, it did not mean
Geveleme, her kefen bi' deli derbeder ederdi
Don't babble, every shroud used to be crazy
Bini bin para namusun
You are worth a thousand thousand money
Ve de tüm adiler gündeme cep fotosu
And also all the assholes on the agenda pocket photo
Sanatçı denilen muhalif olur, koç
The artist becomes the so-called dissident, the coach
Varılan yerim sana tarif olur, koş
My destination will be described to you, run
Bu memleketi kaderine mahkûm edenler ise
Those who condemn this country to its fate are
Mektebe muallim olur, boş
It becomes a school teacher, it is empty
Size gemiler, bana verilirdi tasa
Ships were given to you, I was given grief
Bi' de neresi demokratik, hevesi kaşar?
Where is the democratic, enthusiastic chav in bi?
Güvensiz otoriteler bana masal
Insecure authorities are a fairy tale to me
Baba bakan olsa da dolsa şu kasa
Even if the father is a minister, if this November is full, the safe
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You came to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale
Sev, al bunu kokla, bulunsun, yanına sarıl
Love, take this, smell it, let it be found, hug it next to you
Ters taklaya geldin, o kapı sana kapalı
You came to a reverse somersault, that door is closed to you
İçini doldurur fikirlerimiz, arın
Our ideas fill you in, ar Dec
Akıllılar için bu bir deli masalı
For the smart, this is a crazy fairy tale

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