1 Camp Granada (Hello Mudder Hello Fadder)
2 Downtown Downtown (That's Where You Are, You Finks)
3 You Gotta Have Skin (Ain’t You Glad You Got Skin)
4 Chim Chim Cheree (Chim Chiminey, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim Cher-ee)
5 On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me, A Japanese Transistor Radio
6 Somewhere Overweight People Just Like Me, Must Have Someplace Where Folks Don’t Count Every Calorie
7 Harvey & Shelia (Hava Nagila)
8 Mexican Hat Dance (That’s Why Mexicans Dance on Your Hat)
9 You Went the Wrong Way Old King Louis (Old King Louie)
10 Pop Hates the Beatles (I Hate The Beatles)
11 Glory Glory Harry Lewis (A Great Man of the Cloth)
12 My Son the Vampire (Count Dracula Spooky Halloween Song)
13 Sarah Jackman, Sara Jockman (How's by You?)
14 One Hippopotami (Is Two Hippopotamus)
15 My Zelda (She Took the Money and Ran with the Tailor)
16 Rattfink Rat Fink Ratfink
17 Dodging the Draft (The Draft Dodger Song)
18 Draft Cards Burning on an Open Fire (Sixties Christmas Song)
19 Shticks and Stones Will Break My Bones
20 Hello Mother Hello Father (I Am Back at Camp Granada)
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