Alleycats - C.I.N.T.A. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Alleycats - C.I.N.T.A.

Kalau ada cinta di hatimu
If you have some love in your heart
Berikanlah kepada diriku
Please share it with me now
Agar kita bahagia selalu
So together we can be happy forever
Kalau ada rindu di hatimu
If there's longing in your heart
Katakanlah gera kutahu
Say it soon, so I will know
Kerana aku jua merinduimu
Because I long for you, too
Saat ini, oh, pada saat tu
Right now, oh, at this time
Sering saja ingin bersamamu
I often want to be with you
Agar dapat aku melepaskan rinduku
So I can release my longing
Kita nyanyi, nyanyi bersamaku
Let's sing, sing with me
Kita sayang, sayang bersamaku
Let's love, love with me
Kita cinta, sesama manusia
Let's love, as fellow humans
Tiap insan memerlukan cinta
Every person needs love
Begitulah harapan hatiku
That's my heartfelt hope
Agar hidup tidak sunyi dan sepi
So that life is not lonely and deserted
Dengan kasihmu
With your love
Jangan ragu cinta di hatiku
Don't doubt my feelings
Percayalah, ku akan setia
Trust me, I'll be devoted
Demi cintaku yang tulus suci
Because my love for you is pure devotion
Aku harap engkau pun setia
I hope you'll be devoted too
Dan janganlah kau berubah hati
And don't ever change your mind
Janganlah kau berubah hati
Please don't change your mind
Kalau ada cinta di hatimu
If you have some love in your heart
Berikanlah kepada diriku
Please share it with me now
Agar kita bahagia selalu
So together we can be happy forever
Kalau ada rindu di hatimu
If there's longing in your heart
Katakanlah gera kutahu
Say it soon, so I will know
Kerana aku jua merinduimu
Because I long for you, too
Tiap insan memerlukan cinta
Every person needs love
Begitulah harapan hatiku
That's my heartfelt hope
Agar hidup tidak sunyi dan sepi
So that life is not lonely and deserted
Dengan kasihmu
With your love
Sungguh indah, indahnya kurasa
Truly beautiful, how beautiful I feel
Bila engkau membalas cintaku
When you return my love
Duri aku kembali bercahaya
My thorns bloom again
Oh, gembiranya
Oh, the joy
C I N T A, bling-bling
L O V E, bling-bling
Itulah cinta
That's love
Yang kita perlukan
What we need
C I N T A, ejaannya
L O V E, how it's spelled
C I N T A, cinta kita
L O V E, our love
R I N D U, rindu-rindu
L O N G I N G, longing
Dan aku rindu kepadamu
And I long for you
C I N T A, itulah cinta
L O V E, that's love
C I N T A, ejaannya
L O V E, how it's spelled
C I N T A, kita cinta
L O V E, we love
Dan aku rindu padamu
And I long for you
C I N T A, ejaannya
L O V E, how it's spelled
C I N T A, cinta kita
L O V E, our love
R I N D U, rindu-rindu
L O N G I N G, longing
Dan aku rindu kepadamu
And I long for you
C I N T A, ejaannya
L O V E, how it's spelled
C I N T A, cinta kita
L O V E, our love

Авторы: Saleh Jalil, Aziz A. Ismail

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