Almamegretta - 'O cielo pe' cuscino - Live in Napoli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Almamegretta - 'O cielo pe' cuscino - Live in Napoli

'O cielo pe' cuscino - Live in Napoli
'O cielo pe' cuscino - Live in Napoli
Fronna r' ' o limone
Leaf of the lemon tree
Che bell'amice ch'aggio trovato
What a good friend I have found
I' quanno veco amice bbuone r' 'a sera
When I see good friends in the evening
I' cumpariÈ faccio fa' 'a notte juorno chiaro
I turn night into a bright day, my friend
NennÈ quanno site bbuone r' 'a sera
Baby, when you are good in the evening
I' me faccio 'o cielo pe' cuscino
I make the sky my pillow
E 'e vÀsole m'e ffaccio belle pe' mmatarazze
And I make the stars my beautiful mattress
Ta faciste 'o cielo pe' cuscino e vÀsole e pprete pe' matarazze
You made the sky your pillow and the stars your mattress
Te ne ijste na matina nun saccio manco io si pe' chella nziria
You left one morning, I don't even know why
'E libertÀ che tenive ncuorpo
The freedom you had in your heart
O sulamente pe' ffa nu dispietto 'o munno
Or just to spite the world
E mmo campi senza tiempo ne' fatica ne' denare
And now you live without time, effort or money
A nu juorno a n'ato pe tte 'o munno
From one day to the next, the world is yours
Comm'e chillo che avive sempe sunnato
Like someone who has always dreamed
Chella matina ngopp'a valanza mettisti chello che avisse
That morning on the scale you put what you had
E chello che avisse avuto
And what you would have had
E scigliste
And you chose
LucÌ siÈntele bello quanno ce 'a cantavo
Listen, Lucia, how beautiful when I sang it to her
A nnome 'o chiamammo giuanneniello r' 'a sera
We called him by name, young John of the evening
A contrannomme 'o chiammammo giuann' 'e pellicchiella
We called him by nickname, John of the fleece

Авторы: Gennaro Della Volpe, Giovanni Mantice

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