Amedeo Minghi - Roma - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amedeo Minghi - Roma - Live

Roma - Live
Rome - Live
Te ne 'mporta assai de mè,
You care a lot about me,
E io,
And me,
M'accoro assai pe 'ttè.
I worry a lot about you.
Te sto appresso
I follow you around
E tu?
And you?
Ma che guardi?
What are you looking at?
'Ndo' te perdi tu,
Where do you get lost,
Che butti er core un de qquà,
Who throws their heart here and there,
E 'n de là,
And a bit here and there,
A che pensi?
What are you thinking about?
A te, te 'mporta assai de 'me
You, you care a lot about me
Che m'addoloro assai pe 'ttè.
That I am very sorry for you.
Sai so' storie vere
You know they are true stories
Solo quelle 'ndove toppa er core,
Only those where the heart gets hit,
E sbatte l'ali e tu me pari matta e scordarella
And flaps its wings and you look like a crazy little forgetful thing
Che sei bella Roma
That you are beautiful Roma
Perchè tu
Why are you
Sei bella ancora?
Are you still beautiful?
Mettemo caso ce se ne rinnamora,
Let's say we fall in love again,
Che sei bella Roma
That you are beautiful Roma
Perchè tu sei bella ancora.
Because you are still beautiful.
fa' soffri'
To cause suffering
Pe' sentì,
To make you feel
Che cielo ce stà in cielo a Roma
What is the sky in Rome
Ner cielo acceso rosso foco d'oro rosso,
In heaven lit red fire red gold,
Core d'oro rosso
Heart of red gold
De sta Roma mia.
Of this Rome of mine.
Te 'mporta assai de noi,
You care a lot about us,
Cresciuti sotto l'occhi tuoi,
Grew up under your eyes,
Co' la pioggia e cor sole,
With rain and sun,
Pe' li prati co' le scarpe nove
On the lawns with new shoes
E sotto i cornicioni
And under the eaves
E l'Angioloni e i Papi tristi
And the Angioloni and the sad Popes
E i Papi boni, boni...
And the good Popes, good...
E le fioriste e i cascherini
And the florists and the hatters
E facce toste...
And tough faces...
E metti pure che eravamo regazzini,
And put pure that we were kids,

Авторы: Amedeo Minghi, Vanda Di Paolo

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