Amir Meludah - Gula-gula Racun - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amir Meludah - Gula-gula Racun

Gula-gula Racun
Poison Candy
Gula-gula dihisap
Candy sucked
Dalam mulut biar gelap
In my mouth, let it be dark
Mula-mula khatamkan kitab segenap
First, finish all the scriptures
Tak perlu berentap
No need to struggle
Bakar semangat tanpa sayap
Burn the spirit without wings
Tongkat kayu dibuang mangkat habis lesap
The wooden stick is thrown away, gone, vanished
Resap adi
Absorbing power
Asap berapi
Fiery smoke
Tari menari ghairah dengan dewi shanti
Dancing passionately with the goddess of peace
Alimentari tahap langit ukir prosa seni
Alimentary stage of the sky, carving the prose of art
Berdiri di sini tipu usir dosa-dosa hati
Standing here, deceiving, chasing away the sins of the heart
Lukis lagi
Paint again
Gambir diberi
Given gambir
Ateis cuba menyanyi
Atheists try to sing
Batil hati sendiri
Their own hearts are vain
Muflis hutang meninggi
Bankrupt, the debt is rising
Tipu berlakon ranggi
Deception, acting playfully
Anak kecil menangis
A little child cries
Jerit tembak mati
Screaming, shot dead
Kawad ke depan siapa yang terperangkap?
Marching forward, who is trapped?
Sesat terjerat alasan budak-budak pengakap
Lost, entangled, the reason of the scouts' children
Tersekat melekat masuk lubang tersilap
Stuck, clinging, entering the hole, mistaken
Buang adat kolot usap ketua tengah menyiarap
Discarding outdated customs, wiping the leader, in the middle of covering
Menyedap menghadap pada gelas khamar
Savoring, facing the glass of wine
Budak malas bersandar
Lazy kids leaning back
Si lemah bersabar
The weak ones are patient
Gelabah tergegar
Panic, shaken
Jiwa tak perlu tegar
The soul doesn't need to be tough
Hanya minda dibakar gaya sampah celupar
Only the mind is burned, the style of reckless trash
Kunci mulut
Shut your mouth
Jantung putar smula berdegup
The heart rotates back, beats again
Siapa si kalot
Who is the old fool?
Gemuk buka mulut
Fat, opening his mouth
Pering busuk
Rotten warning
Hancing menusuk
Pening sampai terbatuk
Dizzy, until I cough
Makhluk tulang rusuk
Creatures of the ribs
Garu daki hitam kuku celah kaki
Scratching the black dirt, under the nails of the feet
Sekutu berkutu semut tanpa ratu
Allies with lice, ants without a queen
Basikal dipecut kayuh dengan laju
The bicycle is whipped, pedaling fast
Asal hendak maju jauh sudah rebah terjatuh
Originally wanted to go far, already collapsed, fell down
Menyangkal menyoal takkan ada terdaya
Denying, questioning, there will be no power
Cuba sorok si dajal dari ilmu cahaya
Try to hide the devil from the light of knowledge
Duit disogok celah pedang sarung bendera
Money is bribed, between the sword and the flag sheath
Ada hati nak bangun tentang tarung mereka
There is a heart to build about their fighting
Yeah rangkap kedua
Yeah, second verse
Cermin mata cermin gila
Crazy mirror glasses
Cermin-cerminkan muka
Reflecting faces in the mirrors
Mungkin pernah bersama
Maybe we were once together
Di mana di dunia beria bercinta monyet sia-sia
Where in the world, are you so eager, a pointless monkey love
Seekor kerbau betina
A female buffalo
Budak-budak antidadah
Anti-drug kids
Tak kah menyampah
Don't you feel disgusted?
Tak da haluan gerak tanpa pegangan ilmuan
There is no direction to move without the guidance of scholars
Persepsi dimensi majis satu igauan
The perception of the dimension of the mosque is a delusion
Halusinasi maju tanpa pandangan
Hallucinations, progress without vision
Buka suara siarkan berita
Open your mouth, broadcast the news
Terluka puaka biarkan meranda
Injured, let the monster wander
Semoga tuala lepaskan celana
Hopefully, the towel will release the pants
Bebaskan melaka kibarkan bendera
Free Melaka, raise the flag
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Aku takkan mengalah
I won't give up
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Aku takkan beralah
I won't back down
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Sifar rasa menyampah bila cuba meludah
Zero feeling of disgust when I try to spit
Cuba kupas idea
Try to peel the idea
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Aku takkan mengalah
I won't give up
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Aku takkan beralah
I won't back down
Boom hak ah
Boom, right, ah
Sifar rasa menyampah bila cuba meludah
Zero feeling of disgust when I try to spit
Cuba kupas idea
Try to peel the idea
Tali gitar biola bengkok terpatah tak
The violin guitar string is bent, broken, no
Tuhan salah disembah anak bodoh melatah nak
God is wrong to be worshipped, stupid children, wanting to
Meratah daging si ketua
Devour the leader's flesh
Dulu pernah guna korteks sekarang tambah garuda
Used to use the cortex, now add Garuda
Syaitan berlari iblis menari
The devil runs, the demon dances
Siapa mencari atas pentas bumi
Who is searching on the stage of the earth
Hamba berlari hamba yang menari
The servant runs, the servant dances
Hamba yang menggali kubur bawah bumi
The servant digging the grave under the earth
Homonim sinonim antonim berganti
Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms change
Busuk tangkai jering
The stinking stalk of the jering
Bangkai janin mati
The corpse of a dead fetus
Tiup sepai angin
Blowing the gentle wind
Cium umbun dahi
Kissing the dew on the forehead
Jampi panggil badi
Spells to call the evil
Mari duduk di sini
Come sit here
Hidung tersumbat salji putih
Nose clogged with white snow
Biru gelap pekat air liur meleleh
Dark blue, thick, saliva dripping
Selekeh tergelak janji kelopak berdiri
Sloppy laughter, the promise of the petals stand
Remeh dipijak walau ciptaan sendiri
Easy to step on, even though it's your own creation

Авторы: Amir Othman

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