Amir Meludah - Ragu-ragu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Amir Meludah - Ragu-ragu

Ragu-ragu takkan tahu apa yang boleh berlaku
Hesitation won't tell you what might happen
Dalam kalbu ingin tahu
My heart is curious
Perintang yang tersorok dalam saku realiti
The obstacle hidden in the pocket of reality
Penyebab progres tak nak bergerak lagi hari ini
The reason why progress won't move forward today
Mungkin aku pengecut
Maybe I'm a coward
Mungkin aku penakut
Maybe I'm a scaredy-cat
Tak berani main judi dengan diri
Not brave enough to gamble with myself
Dah banyak buat silap
I've made many mistakes
Ada yang masih melarat
Some are still lingering
Bahu kiri bahu kanan sudah takda malaikat oh
There's no angel on my left or right shoulder, oh
Rasa cemburu
Iri hati pada yang terjun berani mati
Envy towards those who dare to jump and die
Rasa sangsi tak diperhatikan
Doubt, feeling unnoticed
Tak dipedulikan
Bertemu muka tampar sang realiti
Meeting reality's slap in the face
Jatuh berjuta kali bangun balik berdiri
Falling countless times, getting back up and standing
Lutut rasa rosak nak jalan pun dah tak reti
My knees feel broken, I can't even walk anymore
Pasir dalam balang masa dah tinggal sedikit
There's little sand left in the hourglass of time
Lepas butir terakhir tak boleh pusing balik
After the last grain, there's no turning back
Jatuh berjuta kali bangun balik berdiri
Falling countless times, getting back up and standing
Lutut rasa rosak nak jalan pun dah tak reti
My knees feel broken, I can't even walk anymore
Pasir dalam balang masa dah tinggal sedikit
There's little sand left in the hourglass of time
Lepas butir terakhir tak boleh pusing balik dek
After the last grain, there's no turning back, honey
Pusing balik
Turning back
Lepas timbul tenggelam
After rising and sinking
Bagi salam
Say hello
Usaha silam yang dah karam
The effort of the dive that has sunk
Dendam dipendam tengok cermin terpejam
The resentment that I hold, staring into the mirror with closed eyes
Rasa kecewa
Hendak dipadam
To be erased
Terlama terluka
Wounded for too long
Lama nak hilang
Taking a long time to disappear
Visi diimpi infiniti
The vision dreamt of infinity
Asimptot tersangkut
Stuck at the asymptote
Takkan bertemu
Won't meet
Rasa kecewa
Hendak dipadam
To be erased
Terlama terluka
Wounded for too long
Lama nak hilang
Taking a long time to disappear
Visi diimpi infiniti
The vision dreamt of infinity
Asimptot tersangkut
Stuck at the asymptote
Takkan bertemu
Won't meet
Tiada siapa yang boleh jadi nombor satu
No one can be number one
Tak ada apa-apa yang boleh paksa ketentuan untuk berlaku
Nothing can force destiny to happen
Belum ada bukti engkau tuhan.tukang batu
There's no proof you're God. Stone mason
Bukan sinis sinakal
Not cynical or malicious
Konon besar akal
Pretending to be smart
Telinga masih bebal
My ears are still stubborn
Kekal sengal
Remain thick-headed
Tak kebal bibir tebal
Not immune, thick-lipped
Ucap selamat hari raya ponggal
Say Happy Pongal
Ragu keliru
Hesitation, confusion
Pekat sekat tersemat melekat
Thick, stuck, embedded, stuck
Takkan boleh dicuci
Can't be washed away
Terpaksa berjudi
Have to gamble
Takkan pasti
No certainty
Ini teka-teki rahsia realiti
This is the riddle of reality's secret

Авторы: Amir Othman

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