Amir Meludah - Terbangun Kebodohan Si Gila - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amir Meludah - Terbangun Kebodohan Si Gila

Terbangun Kebodohan Si Gila
Awakened by the Stupidity of the Madman
Masuk tengok kiri kanan beri salam
Enter, look left and right, say hello
Rumah ini tiada orang
This house is empty
Cuba guris perasaan sangsi
Try to scratch the feeling of doubt
Habis dulang kosong tiada guli
The tray is empty, there are no marbles
Tiada tamat tiada henti
There is no end, there is no stop
Istiqamat bisik rasuk hati
Perseverance whispers in my heart
Kepala terhantuk dengan realiti
My head hits reality
Tak bergerak tanpa progres
I don't move without progress
Dalam otak minda korteks
In my mind, in my cortex
Ilmu protes tentang bangkang
Knowledge protests about rebellion
Akur obsesi pentingkan diri sendiri
I accept the obsession with self-interest
Lemah mengah cuba ludah air kolah
Weak and panting, I try to spit out water from the well
Sudah tumpah melimpah
It has already spilled over
Bak kasih sayang seekor kumbang
Like the love of a beetle
Dengan sang kacak cantik molek anak perempuan
For a handsome, beautiful, elegant girl
Homo sapiens
Halilipan anak serangga bertakhta
The swarm of insects reigns supreme
Bertelur permaisuri
The queen lays eggs
Gigit jari-jemari
Bite your fingers
Gigit kuku hisap darah sendiri
Bite your nails, suck your own blood
Hisap puting sampai kering mati
Suck the nipples until they are dry and dead
Gembala bunuh kambing biri-biri
The shepherd kills the sheep
Kerbau tengok rasa iri hati
The buffalo looks on with envy
Penipu si jahil asyik cuba mencari
The ignorant deceiver keeps trying to find
Oh bekukan salju
Oh, freeze the snow
Oh sejukkan kalbu
Oh, cool my heart
Oh bekukan salju
Oh, freeze the snow
Oh sejukkan kalbu
Oh, cool my heart
Dua tapak diorak
Two steps are taken
Ke depan ke kiri ke belakang ke kanan
Forward, left, backward, right
Lukis bulatan kesimpulan
Draw a circle, a conclusion
Budak perasan tua kata tuduh itu hanya permainan
The old-fashioned kid says that accusation is just a game
Sambung berjalan
Continue walking
Tanpa tengok hadapan
Without looking ahead
Jawab salam sang hantu anak cucu syaitan
Answer the greeting of the ghost, the descendant of Satan
Dulu bermusuh sekarang ghairah berkawan
We were enemies before, now we're eager to be friends
Pernah hina tunduk sekarang perasan tuhan
You used to bow down in humiliation, now you feel like a god
Mulut busuk jerit hina carutan
Your stinking mouth shouts insults and curses
Si hina makhluk nak jadi tuhan
The humiliated creature wants to become a god
Orang buatan
Bahkan diri sendiri belum kenal alam
You don't even know your own world
Masih kekal kelam
Still dark and eternal
Gelap gempita
Darkness and turmoil
Hati alpa pelita tak ternyala
Your heart is careless, the lamp is not lit
Laung nyalak serigala
The wolf howls and barks
Mulut terbuka halal perintah
Your open mouth, the law is lawful
Suara belum mati
Your voice is not dead
Jantung masih hidup
Your heart is still alive
Karbon monoksid dalam dada sedut hirup
You breathe in carbon monoxide in your chest
Angkuh berdiri
You stand proudly
Tangis dalam sujud
You weep in your prayers
Siapa menari
Who is dancing
Dewa rama kasi peluk
The god of love gives a hug
Kuda-kuda dipelawa untuk dibuka
The horses are invited to be opened
Anak naga tunjuk-tunjuk hebat bergaya
The dragon's child shows off his greatness and style
Jangan tertanya siapa yang konon sudah boleh berjaya
Don't ask who supposedly can succeed
Jangan iri hati dengan anak si kaya
Don't be envious of the rich kid
Anak si tuah
The lucky kid
Anak intelektual
The intellectual kid
Anak proletar
The proletarian kid
Anak merdeka
The independent kid
Suara mereka
Their voices
Anak siapa
Whose child are they?
Suara manusia
The voice of humanity
Anak merdeka
The independent kid
Suara mereka
Their voices
Anak siapa
Whose child are they?
Suara hina sang hamba
The voice of the humiliated slave

Авторы: Amir Othman

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