Amir Tataloo feat. Sohrab Mj - Gorg 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amir Tataloo feat. Sohrab Mj - Gorg 2

Gorg 2
Wolf 2
گرگو از هر طرف بخونی گرگه (تا گنده می شی فاز پهلوونی می آد)
A wolf is a wolf, no matter how you read it. (When you get big, you get cocky.)
همین صداقتشه که جذابش می کنه (فاز پهلوونی می آد)
It's his honesty that makes him attractive. (When you get big, you get cocky.)
حواستون به گرگ دو باشه (تا گنده می شی فاز پهلوونی می آد)
Beware of the Wolf 2. (When you get big, you get cocky.)
منو از چی می ترسونی؟
What are you scaring me with?
از روزِ بزرگ؟
From the great day?
از چی؟
From what?
از شب؟ سیاهی؟
From the night? Darkness?
هه، منم زوزه ی گرگ
Heh, I'm the wolf's howl.
منو ازچی می ترسونی؟
What are you scaring me with?
از خون؟ از گره؟
From blood? From knots?
هه، من گرگ شدم که مار ازخونه م بره
Heh, I became a wolf so the snake would leave my house.
منو از چی می ترسونی؟ از جنگ تن به تن؟
What are you scaring me with? Hand-to-hand combat?
من یک به هزار جنگیده م، بیا چنگ بزن به من
I've fought one to a thousand, come and grab me.
ناخناتو تیز کن، بکِش رو تنم جون بگیری
Sharpen your nails, scratch my body, get your life.
انقده لاشه خوردی که خوی حیوون بگیری
You've eaten so much carcass that you've taken on the nature of an animal.
روز گوسفندو جر می ده، خرناسو شب می کِشه
The day he crushes the sheep, he kills the roar at night.
آخر سر تیکه تیکه شد، حق الناس و هفت تیرکشه
In the end, he was torn to pieces, the right of the people and seven shooters.
خواهرت با یکی هست، شبا رو تا دیر پیششه
Your sister is with someone, she's up late at night.
دخترت یواشکی تو دفترش کیر می کشه
Your daughter secretly draws a cock in her notebook.
تا گنده می شی فازِ پهلوونی می آد
When you get big, you get cocky.
ولی بچه بودی می خوردی درکونی زیاد
But when you were a kid, you got beat up a lot.
آره قدیما فاز برعکس بود
Yeah, the vibes used to be the other way around.
لااقل حرفات یه کم طعم خوبی می داد
At least your words tasted a little good.
تا تحویلت گرفتیم یابو برت داشت
As soon as we received you, the donkey took you away.
بود قدم ما رو سرت جاش
Our footsteps were on your head.
ولی قبلنو یادت نی انگار آخ
But you don't remember the old days, oh
یه سری آدما لال بودن ای کاش
I wish some people were mute.
باید برم
I must go.
پشت سرم گریه کنی
You will cry after me.
باید برم
I must go.
نبر صداتو بالا برام
Don't raise your voice for me.
لاتی پر نشه، فاز عوض کن
Don't get cocky, change your vibe.
که منم از اون کانال درآم
Cause I'm from that channel too.
ایزی ایزی، تامام تامام هه
Easy easy, tamam tamam heh.
ببین سگ باشی با هارترام
Look, if you're a dog, be arrogant.
کول بمونی جز باحال ترام
If you stay cool, you're just cool, Trump.
ببین من به موقعش عنم
Look, I'm shit at the right time.
چون عین تو نذاشته بابام برام
Because my dad didn't give me anything like you.
آ، دو روز شادو ده روز استرس
Ah, two days of joy and ten days of stress.
باشگاه بودم ولی هنوز فسِ فس
I was at the club but still rotten.
از رو عکس و پیج می پسندم
I choose based on pictures and pages.
تشخیص می دم اَ رو اس ام اس
I diagnose it via SMS.
نمی دم رو بهت زیاد
I don't give a damn about you.
یارو تا سوال پیچ نشه تو نمی آد
He doesn't come until he's interrogated.
تیغ می زنم بره چون همه دارن
I'll shave it off because everyone has it.
به من ابرو نمی آد
It doesn't look good on me.
گرگ مث شهرایِ بزرگ
A wolf is like big cities.
پُر از لاشی و وحشیه توم
It's full of scum and wild inside you.
وسط طوفان یه نوحم و
In the middle of the storm, I'm Noah and
رومه انگار کلِ کشتی زوم
It's like the whole ship is zoomed in on me.
وسط کوسه و خون
In the midst of sharks and blood
بغلم یکی خوابیده
Someone is sleeping in my arms
که فقط انگار یه بوسه و کون
That only seems like a kiss and a pussy
فقط یه بوسه و کون
Just a kiss and pussy
به سیمِ آخر زدم
I hit the last wire.
از همیشه کافرترم
I'm more of an infidel than ever.
گذشته آب از سرم
The past is water off my back.
آدما دوتایی می رن و چندتایی می آن
People go in pairs and come in multiples.
مشکلی نی هرچندتا که بیان
It doesn't matter how many come.
من همه شونو تنهایی می گام
I walk them all alone.
من همه شونو تنهایی
I walk them all alone.
تا گنده می شی فازِ پهلوونی می آد
When you get big, you get cocky.
ولی بچه بودی می خوردی درکونی زیاد
But when you were a kid, you got beat up a lot.
آره قدیما فاز برعکس بود
Yeah, the vibes used to be the other way around.
لااقل حرفات یه کم طعم خوبی می داد
At least your words tasted a little good.
تا تحویلت گرفتیم یابو برت داشت
As soon as we received you, the donkey took you away.
بود قدم ما رو سرت جاش
Our footsteps were on your head.
ولی قبلنو یادت نی انگار
But you don't remember the old days.
آخ، یه سری آدما لال بودن ای کاش
Oh, I wish some people were mute.
شهرِ ما کس کش اگر داشت، هوا بهتر بود، هه
If our city had a pimp, the weather would be better, heh.
آدما دروغن، برای اینکه عاشقت شن
People are liars, to make them love you.
بهشون دروغ بگو، بهشون دروغ گو
Lie to them, lie to them.
ببین اونایی که روی باخت من بستن
Look at those who bet on my loss.
بگو بیان تو روم شاخ بشن رسماً
Tell them to come and challenge me officially.
همه تو فکر شبیخون زدن
Everyone's thinking of raiding.
مث روز روشنِ ولی قوی موندم
It's as bright as day, but I stayed strong.
به خودم می گم ضعف نشون نده
I tell myself not to show weakness.
وقتی خودیا هم قصدشون بده
When even friends have bad intentions.
همینا که روی تخت نشوندنت
Those who don't want you on the throne
یه روزی می تونن رو زمینِ سرد بکوبنت
One day they can throw you to the cold ground.
اینجا خیلی وقته عقیده ها مرده ن
Beliefs have been dead here for a long time.
فهمیدم همه دریده ها گرگن
I realized that all the torn ones are wolves.
نمی دونی طرف رفیقِه یا دشمن
You don't know if the other person is a friend or an enemy.
نجیبه یا مفت بر، غنیه یا گشنه ست
He's noble or free, he's rich or hungry.
نمی دونی اصن مریضه یا عقده ست
You don't know if he's sick or obsessed.
اینجا حتی آبجی قهره تهمینه با رستم
Here, even my sister is angry, Tahmineh is with Rostam.
فرق داره رنگِ زمینه با پشتم
The background color is different from my back.
گولِ عکسو نخور، نشو شبیهِ ما لطفاً
Don't be fooled by the picture, don't be like us, please.
ببین منو ازچی می ترسونی؟
Look, what are you scaring me with?
خب از حرف مردم؟ یا از زهره کَژدم؟
Well, from people's words? Or from the poisonous star?
تو این شهری که دربه در گُمن
In this city where we are all homeless.
منو با چی تهدید می کنی؟ هه، با دندونِ تیز؟
What are you threatening me with? Heh, with sharp teeth?
با جیغی که مردونه نیست؟
With a scream that's not manly?
یا با این مغز مجنونِ ریزت؟
Or with this little crazy brain of yours?
(تا گنده می شی فازِ پهلوونی)
(When you get big, you get cocky.)
تا گنده می شی فازِ پهلوونی می آد
When you get big, you get cocky.
ولی بچه بودی می خوردی درکونی زیاد
But when you were a kid, you got beat up a lot.
آره قدیما فاز برعکس بود
Yeah, the vibes used to be the other way around.
لااقل حرفات یه کم طعم خوبی می داد
At least your words tasted a little good.
تا تحویلت گرفتیم یابو برت داشت
As soon as we received you, the donkey took you away.
بود قدم ما رو سرت جاش
Our footsteps were on your head.
ولی قبلنو یادت نیس انگار
But you don't remember the old days.
آخ یه سری آدما لال بودن ای کاش
Oh, I wish some people were mute.
باید برم
I must go.
یه روز دلیلشو بهت شاید بگم
One day I might tell you why.
من گرگ شدم بعد اینکه اونا دندونامو کشیدن
I became a wolf after they pulled my teeth out.
آره آزاد شدم ولی خب لگدِ مأمورا رو چشیدم
Yes, I was freed, but I tasted the kick of the guards.
ترک خوردم
I cracked.
پوست انداختم
I shed my skin.
کوِه صبر شدم
I became a mountain of patience.
تو بدنم صدها نفر مردن
Hundreds of people died in my body.
پر از قبر شدم
I became full of graves.
درد شدن مرهم شدم
I became a balm for the pain of becoming.
زرد شدن سبز شدم
I became yellow, I became green.
سرد شدن گرم شدم
I became cold, I became warm.
مرگ شدن نبض شدم
I became death, I became a pulse.
من سوزِ گاز اشک آورو یادمه
I remember the sting of tear gas.
رفتم ولی خب می دونی خوب
I left but you know, good.
طعمِ شب آخرو یادمه
I remember the taste of the last night.
من اشک مادرو یادمه
I remember my mother's tears.
به سیمِ آخر زدم
I hit the last wire.
از همیشه کافرترم
I'm more of an infidel than ever.
گذشته آب از سرم
The past is water off my back.
آ من گرگ شدم حالم خوب شد
Ah, I became a wolf, I felt good.
بگو تو چه مرگته جوجه؟
Tell me, what's wrong with you, chick?
این جا تو اجتماع
Here in society
نمی شه بجنگی کوچولو با منطقِ کوچه
You can't fight little one with street logic.
وردار از هرکی هرچیو می خوای
Take whatever you want from anyone.
قیمتت در حد زنجیر سیگار
Your price is as much as a pack of cigarettes.
مخ سوراخ، ردی و بیکار
Brain-damaged, idle and unemployed.
رنگ و وارنگ، ولی کدی و بیمار
Colorful but coded and sick.
گرگ شدم که بره هه درره، ازم فراری بشه
I became a wolf so that heh, the valley would run away from me.
ولی پاک موندم، دزد نشدم گفتم مگه نداری چشه
But I stayed clean, I didn't become a thief, I said, "Don't you have eyes?
دود شدم دم نزدم
I became smoke, I didn't speak.
کم آوردم ولی کم نشدم
I was short but I didn't diminish.
خرد شدم، غرق شدم
I was crushed, I was drowned.
ولی خب خم نشدم
But I didn't bend.
سر بالا
Head up
تا گنده می شی فازِ پهلوونی می آد
When you get big, you get cocky.
ولی بچه بودی می خوردی درکونی زیاد
But when you were a kid, you got beat up a lot.
آره قدیما فاز برعکس بود
Yeah, the vibes used to be the other way around.
لااقل حرفات یه کم طعم خوبی می داد
At least your words tasted a little good.
تا تحویلت گرفتیم یابو برت داشت
As soon as we received you, the donkey took you away.
بود قدم ما رو سرت جاش
Our footsteps were on your head.
ولی قبلنو یادت نی انگار
But you don't remember the old days.
آخ، یه سری آدما لال بودن ای کاش
Oh, I wish some people were mute.

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