Amir Tataloo - Gardane Man Nandaz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amir Tataloo - Gardane Man Nandaz

Gardane Man Nandaz
My Neck Can't Carry Your Blame
Shall we begin?
میدونی، آدما هم احترامشون دستِ خودشونه هم اعتبارشون
You know, people hold their respect and their reputation in their own hands.
هم موندَنِشون، هم رفتنِشون
Their staying, their leaving,
هم بُردَنِشون، هم باختنِشون
Their winning, their losing.
اینکه چی بودم و چی شدم گردنِ من هَ
What I was and what I became is my responsibility.
اما اینکه چی بودی و چی شدی رو گردنِ من ننداز
But don't you dare put what you were and what you've become on my neck.
تو دِلِت خواست که بِری بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Your heart desired to leave, don't put it on me for no reason.
تو دِلِت خواست که وِلی دیگه همه لباساتم که عمداً باز
Your heart desired to, well, even your clothes were intentionally revealing.
تو دلِت خواست که بِچرخی لای همه مردای این شهر
Your heart desired to wander among all the men of this city.
تو دلِت خواسته همیشه، دلِت میخواد هر بار که این شَم
Your heart has always desired, it desires every time this flame ignites.
تو خراب کردی یِهو طوفان زد به آبادی
You ruined it, suddenly a storm hit the village.
بحثِ یه گل دو گل نی همه باغو بِگا دادی
It's not about one or two flowers, you let the whole garden wither.
این اِنقلابو تو کردی توی این خونه و رفتی و هرچی قبضه به ما دادی
You caused this revolution in this house, you left, and handed me all the bills.
تو دلِت خواست که بِشی درگیرِ حواشی
Your heart desired to get caught up in the chaos.
رفتنی بودی از اول و نشد که هرزه نباشی
You were meant to leave from the beginning, and you couldn't help but be a tramp.
تو نخواستی که عوض شی، هر کاری کنم همینی
You didn't want to change, no matter what I do, you stay the same.
واسم آرامش نذاشتی و خب این چیزه کمی نی
You left me no peace, and that's no small thing.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز لاشی بازیاتو
Don't put your bullshit on me for no reason.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی حرف از عشق نزن (هیس)
Don't talk about love for no reason (hush).
بیخود به سَرِت نَزَنه پرواز
Don't let the thought of flying cross your mind.
دِ من باشم اون موهارو از تَه میزنم
If it were up to me, I'd shave that hair off completely.
البته انقده سنگین و چِرک شده که نزَنی ام میریزه
Of course, it's gotten so heavy and dirty that it'll fall out even if you don't shave it.
کَفِ زمینو نِگا
Look at the floor.
کفِ زمینو نِگا
Look at the floor.
آدم تو هر جمعی وارد میشه
When a person enters any gathering,
مَتاشو مناسب جمع باید انتخاب کنه
They should choose their mat appropriately.
اُسکل ، جایی که قرار نی بِخاری
Idiot, in a place where you're not supposed to get wasted,
دیگه مشروب خوردنِت چیه؟!
What's with all the drinking?!
مشکلِ تو اینه که طرفِت ببو نبود
Your problem is that you didn't have the right person by your side.
خودِتو زدی به مَستی یه شَبو بَندو به آب دادی
You got yourself drunk, threw away one night, and messed everything up.
نفهمیدی چی شد نه؟
You don't understand what happened, do you?
من بهت میگم
I'll tell you.
تو دلِت کردِش یهو، هوای آزادی
Your heart suddenly craved freedom.
وگرنه میفهمیدی با نامحرم زیرِ یه سقف نمیمونن اونم مَست
Otherwise, you'd understand that you don't stay under the same roof with a stranger, especially while drunk.
تو خودت خواستی بخوابی با غریبه
You wanted to sleep with a stranger.
تو نخواستی پاشه از روت
You didn't want him to get off you.
مثلاً بالایی حواسِت نیست
As if you weren't aware upstairs.
حالا بزار روحِ من دور بشه اَزَت
Now let my spirit get away from you.
روحِ اونم باشه پَس توت
Let his spirit stay behind you.
انقدر تنهایی بِکش تا از چشات بزنه بیرون
Suffer in loneliness until it bursts out of your eyes.
فکر میکردی بِگی مَست بودی میگم خب باشه مست بود
You thought you'd say you were drunk, and I'd say, "Okay, she was drunk."
هه، ولی بی غیرتا عینِ بابات میمیرن
Heh, but the shameless ones die like your father.
اونی که فکر میکردم پروانَمه، یه خفاشِ پَست بود(بی لیاقت)
The one I thought was a butterfly was a filthy bat (worthless).
یه خفاشِ پست بود (دوزاری، آویزون)
A filthy bat (cheap, clingy).
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز لاشی بازیاتو
Don't put your bullshit on me for no reason.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی حرف از عشق نزن (هیس)
Don't talk about love for no reason (hush).
خاموش(خفه شو)
Silence (shut up).
بیخود به سَرِت نَزَنه پرواز
Don't let the thought of flying cross your mind.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز کثافت کاریاتو
Don't put your dirty deeds on me for no reason.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی حرف از عشق نزن (هیس)
Don't talk about love for no reason (hush).
بیخود به سَرِت نَزَنه پرواز
Don't let the thought of flying cross your mind.
واسه راه رفتن اول باید خزیدن و نشستن و چهار دست و پا رفتَنو یاد گرفت
To walk, you must first learn to crawl, sit, and walk on all fours.
واسه پرواز کردن اول راه رفتَنو
To fly, you must first walk.
کَسی که راه رفتنِ سادَشو بَلد نی که فکرِ پرواز نمیکنه
Someone who doesn't know how to walk simply doesn't think about flying.
بیخودی، گردنِ من ننداز جون به جونِت کنن پایینه لِوِلِت
Don't put it on me for no reason, even if they kill you, your level is low.
انقده پَرت و کسشری که نمیشه سِپرد حتی کاری دیگه بهت
You're so scattered and incompetent that I can't even entrust you with another task.
انقده بی لیاقتی که حالا حالاها باید گاییده شه دِلِت
You're so unworthy that your heart deserves to be fucked for a long time.
انقده کَم و کودَنی که نشون میده حتی آیینه کِدِرِت
You're so small and stupid that even the mirror shows your misery.
بیخودی نزن به دست اَنداز
Don't try to play innocent for no reason.
دستِ پیش دیگه نگیر که نمیگیره
Don't try to shift the blame, it won't work.
تو بی من پاره میشی ولی با رفتنِ یه جیمی امیر که نمیمیره
You'll fall apart without me, but Amir won't die with the departure of a Jimmy.
گردنِ من ننداز اون مغزِ کوچیکِتو
Don't put that small brain of yours on me.
عه، نون نداری بخوری بدبخت اما یادِت نمیره خرید و بوتیکِتو
Hey, you have no bread to eat, but you don't forget your shopping and boutique.
جیب خالی، پُزِ عالی
Empty pockets, grand poses.
گوز گوزِ ناشتا، چُسی پرتقالی
Morning farts, orange juice sips.
تو خونه ننه بابات باید زیر قسطِ بانکی بمیری
You should die under bank loans at your parents' house.
اینور اما جیم که بدون لِگ و ستِ نایکی نمیری
But here, Jimmy, you don't go anywhere without your Nike leggings and set.
ولی یاد گرفتی سفره داری، اینجا وِگَن بیرون مُرده خواری
You've learned to set a table, vegan at home, but a scavenger outside.
گردنِ من ننداز اصلاً این حالِ مَسمومِتو
Don't put this toxic state of yours on me at all.
رفتی فقط کَم شده یه نخاله از خونه خب
With your departure, one less piece of trash in the house, that's all.
بود و نبودِت نداره فرقی برام جونِ تو
Your presence or absence makes no difference to me, I swear.
مهم نیستی که بُکنم پاره الان کونِتو
You're not important enough for me to tear your ass apart right now.
گردنِ من ننداز دیگه مشکلا و خرجِتو
Don't put your problems and expenses on me anymore.
جمع میکنم دورَم همه خوشگلارو بعدِ تو
I'll gather all the beauties around me after you.
از بغلِ ما داری چهل کیلو از وزنِتو
You're losing forty kilos of your weight from being away from our embrace.
بیا اصلاً بلند ترین انگشتِ ما هم بَرا تو
Come on, take our tallest finger too.
فاک یو
Fuck you.
You know?
بحثِ لیاقته
It's a matter of worth.
قورباغه رو تو تشتِ طلا هم که بذاری، میپره تو مُرداب
Even if you put a frog in a golden basin, it will jump back into the swamp.
باز میپره تو مُرداب
It will jump back into the swamp again.
یک یک دو دو هشت
One one two two eight.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز که تو ذاتِت خراب بود از اَولِشَم حِسّت یه حِسِ کاذب بَرام بود
Don't put it on me for no reason, your nature was rotten from the beginning, and the feeling was a false sense for me.
از سَرِ شب تا دَمِ صبح، فقط یه پایه بَرا دود
From nightfall till dawn, just a partner for smoke.
اِنقده بَد که عادی و سرد میشدی دائم بَرام زود
So bad that you quickly became ordinary and cold to me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز که تو ذاتِت خراب بود از اَولِشَم حِسّت یه حِسِ کاذب بَرام بود
Don't put it on me for no reason, your nature was rotten from the beginning, and the feeling was a false sense for me.
از سَرِ شب تا دَمِ صبح، فقط یه پایه بَرا دود
From nightfall till dawn, just a partner for smoke.
اِنقده بَد که عادی و سرد میشدی دائم بَرام زود
So bad that you quickly became ordinary and cold to me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز لاشی بازیاتو
Don't put your bullshit on me for no reason.
بیخودی گردنِ من ننداز
Don't put it on me.
بیخودی حرف از عشق نزن
Don't talk about love for no reason.
بیخودی حرف از عشق نزن (هیس)
Don't talk about love for no reason (hush).
بیخود به سَرِت نَزَنه پرواز
Don't let the thought of flying cross your mind.

Авторы: Amir Tataloo

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