Ampie - Namib Woestyn - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ampie - Namib Woestyn

Namib Woestyn
Namib Desert
Jy't gesê ek moet gaan dink
You said I should go think
Vêr in die weste by die kus
Far west by the coast
Vergeet van alles wat jou pla
Forget about everything that bothers you
Kry jou kop skoon daar
Get your head clear there
Jy't gesê ek moet gaan dink
You said I should go think
Deur die hoogland pas
Through the highland pass
Swakop verby Puros wat wag
Swakop past Puros waiting
Knik vir die suiderkruis
Nod to the Southern Cross
Drink ń bier en groet die dag
Drink a beer and greet the day
Die son sal môre weer skyn
The sun will shine again tomorrow
Gee my net die namib woestyn
Just give me the Namib Desert
Wys my net die geel sand se duine
Show me just the yellow sand dunes
Bring my die atlantiese wind
Bring me the Atlantic wind
Tot by die skedelkus se punt
To the skull coast's point
Sodat my hart jou kan vind
So my heart can find you
Gee my die sout kristalle smaak
Give me the taste of salt crystals
Golwe wat breek die son wat praat
Waves breaking the sun speaking
Grondpad wat lei na al die duine
Dirt road leading to all the dunes
Met Geen selfoon seine
With No cell phone signals
Jou hart bly in myne
Your heart stays in mine
Môre sorg vir homself
Tomorrow takes care of itself
Die swartboek diep al in gedelf
The black book deep down in the delving
Die jakkals en sy maat
The jackal and his mate
Los spore vir mekaar
Leave traces for each other
Dis waar ek vrede vind
That's where I find peace
Die duiwel het jou stert
The devil has your tail
Dis wat die mense
That's what people say
Om net hier te wees
Just to be here
Om saam met jou te wees
To be with you
Jy bly die moeite werd
You are worth it
Mistroostige glimlag wat vir my vrede bring
Misty smile that brings me peace
Nomadiese niks met geen genade
Nomadic nothing with no mercy
Geloof hoop en liefde serenade
Faith hope and love serenade

Авторы: Ampie Du Preez

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