Ana Moura - Fado Vestido de Fado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ana Moura - Fado Vestido de Fado

Fado Vestido de Fado
Fado Dressed in Fado
Se fado é miséria e dor
If fado is misery and pain
Se é ciúme, se é pecado,
If it is jealousy, if it is sin,
Que serás tu, meu amor,
What will you be, my love,
Todo vestido de fado
Dressed all in fado
Talvez sejas o quebranto
Perhaps you are my heartbreak
Meu pranto, em horas tardias,
My weeping, in the late hours,
Rosário de avé-marias
A rosary of Hail Marys
Que rezo quanto te canto
That I pray when I sing to you
Pois fico neste entretanto,
For I remain here, meanwhile,
Dum acorde desenhado,
Of an outlined chord,
Porque te chamo num fado,
Because I call out to you in a fado,
Te canto com tal fervor,
I sing to you with such fervor,
Se fado é tristeza e dor
If fado is sadness and pain,
Se é ciúme se é pecado
If it is jealousy if it is sin
Os meus sentidos dispersos,
My dispersed senses,
Não me conseguem dizer
They cannot tell me
Razões da minh′alma ser
The reasons that my soul is
Refúgio de tantos versos
A refuge for so many verses
Mistério dos universos
Mystery of the universes
Pra onde foi atirado
Where this desire was thrown
Este desejo, rogado
This longing, begged for
Na minha voz em clamor,
In the clamor of my voice,
Que serás tu, meu amor,
What will you be, my love,
Todo vestido de fado
Dressed all in fado
Jeśli los to ból i smutek
If fado is pain and sadness
Gdy jest zazdrość to jest grzech
If it is jealousy, if it is sin
Jeśli będzie miłość ma
What will you be, my love,
W fado ubrana cała
Dressed all in fado
Być może jesteś złamane
Perhaps you are my heartbreak
Mym płaczem w późnych godzinach
My weeping, in the late hours,
Różańcem, Zdrowaś Maryja
A rosary of Hail Marys
Modlę się, kiedy masz śpiewać
That I pray when I sing to you
A gdy tymczasem zostaje
For I remain here, meanwhile,
Akordem zarysowane
Of an outlined chord,
Czemu się losem nazywa
Because I call out to you in a fado,
Z takim zapałem śpiewane
I sing to you with such fervor,
Jeśli los to ból i smutek
If fado is sadness and pain,
Gdy jest zazdrość to jest grzech
If it is jealousy if it is sin
Zmysły moje rozproszone
My dispersed senses,
I nie zdołam ich wyrazić
They cannot tell me
Rozsądek jest w duszy mojej
The reasons that my soul is
Schronem z wieloma wersami
A refuge for so many verses
Jest tajemnicą wszechświatów
Mystery of the universes
W jakim miejscu porzucane
Where this desire was thrown
To pragnienie ubłagane
This longing, begged for
W głosie moim wypłakane
In the clamor of my voice,
Jaka będzie, miłość moja
What will you be, my love,
W fado ubrana cała
Dressed all in fado

Авторы: Mário Raínho

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