Anda Adam - Ochii Mei - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Anda Adam - Ochii Mei

Ochii Mei
My Eyes Cry for You
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
Ti am spus
I told you
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
You are...
Vrei... sa-mi spui ceva...
You want... to tell me something...
Am aflat deja
I already know
Toti stiu ce fel de om esti tu,
Everyone knows what kind of person you are
M-ai iubit putin,
You loved me a little
M-ai plimbat putin
You toyed with me a little
Si crezi ca-ti apartin
And you think I belong to you
Vrei ce nu poti avea, Vrei iubirea mea
You want what you can't have, you want my love
Nu dupa tot ce mi-ai facut,
Not after everything you've done to me
Tu m-ai mintit si m-ai umilit,
You lied to me and humiliated me
Vreau sa las totul in trecut,
I want to leave everything in the past
Vorbe goale fara reflect,
Empty words without reflection
Nu te mai vreau,
I don't want you anymore
M-am saturat sa te astept,
I'm tired of waiting for you
De una singura o sa ma simt perfect,
I'm going to feel perfect by myself
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
Ti am spus
I told you
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
You are...
Te las,
I'm leaving you
Tot ce-a fost a fost,
What was, was
Crezi ca n-are rost,
You think it's not worth it
Esti doar unul in viata mea,
You're just one in my life
Te-am asteptat,
I waited for you
Tu nu te-ai schimbat,
You haven't changed
Acum te las in urma mea,
Now I'm leaving you behind
Nu, nu vreau sa te iert,
No, I don't want to forgive you
M-ai facut sa sper,
You made me hope
Nu poti da timpul inapoi,
You can't turn back time
Merg pe drumul meu,
I'm going my way
Mergi pe drumul tau,
You go your way
De azi nu mai exista NOI.
From today there is no more US.
Vorbe goale fara reflect,
Empty words without reflection
Nu te mai vreau,
I don't want you anymore
M-am saturat sa te astept,
I'm tired of waiting for you
De una singura o sa ma simt perfect,
I'm going to feel perfect by myself
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
Ti am spus
I told you
Ochii mei dupa tine plang
My eyes cry for you
Lacrimi nu-mi ajung
I have no more tears
Las iubire-n urma mea
I'm leaving love behind me
NU mai incerca
Try no more
NU ma intorc langa tine
I'm not coming back to you
Nu mai existi pentru mine
You no longer exist
You are...

Авторы: Marius Moga

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