Andra - Timpul - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andra - Timpul

OH, OH,HO...
OH, OH,HO...
OH, OH,HO... OH...
OH, OH,HO... OH...
OH, OH,HO... OH...
OH, OH,HO... OH...
Duci lupte prea multe si e prea ciudat
You fight too many battles and it's too strange
Sa stai langa mine sa nu simti nimic
To stand next to me and feel nothing
Te uiti inocent, eu ma uit suparata
You look innocent, I look angry
Cum poti sa te intrebi ce ne-a indepartat
How can you wonder what has distanced us
Partajul la doi ce prostie, dar ce sa impart
Sharing for two, what a joke, but what to share
Cand toate care ne adunau acum ne despart
When all that brought us together now divides us
As lasa timpul
I would let time
Sa termine filmul
Finish the movie
Dar suntem facuti, din pacate, sa tot cautam altceva
But unfortunately, we are made to always search for something else
Tu lasa-mi iubirea
You, let my love
Sa caute drumul
Search for the way
Si poate intr-o viata planetele noastres-or alinia
And maybe in another life our planets will align
Visele noastre, vise nebune
Our dreams, crazy dreams
Cu nunti si copii ca-n finaluri de film
With weddings and children like in movie endings
Visul nostru se risipeste in neant
Our dream fades into nothingness
In momentul in care noi doi ne trezim
The moment that we both wake up
Partajul la doi ce prostie, dar ce sa impart
Sharing for two, what a joke, but what to share
Cand toate care ne adunau acum ne despart
When all that brought us together now divides us
As lasa timpul
I would let time
Sa termine filmul
Finish the movie
Dar suntem facuti, din pacate, sa tot cautam altceva
But unfortunately, we are made to always search for something else
Tu lasa-mi iubirea
You, let my love
Sa caute drumul
Search for the way
Si poate intr-o viata planetele noastres-or alinia
And maybe in another life our planets will align
Stim bine ca orice sfarsit e un nou inceput tu nu ma uita, eu n-am sa uit, n-am sa te uit
We know well that every end is a new beginning You don't forget me, I won't forget, I won't forget you
As lasa timpul
I would let time
Sa termine filmul
Finish the movie
Dar suntem facuti, din pacate, sa tot cautam altceva
But unfortunately, we are made to always search for something else
Tu lasa-mi iubirea
You, let my love
Sa caute drumul
Search for the way
Si poate intr-o viata planetele noastres-or alinia
And maybe in another life our planets will align

Авторы: Alexandru Pelin, Irina Rimes, Vlad Lucan

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