Andreea Balan - Aparențe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andreea Balan - Aparențe

1 Te aprinzi ushor doar cand ma privesti
1 You light up easily when you look at me
Ai mintzi orice sa ma cuceresti
You'd lie about anything to conquer me
In prima seara ingerash de ceara
The first night, a wax angel
Ma invitzi afara cat de dulce esti
You invite me out, how sweet you are
Semi-luna, toata saptamana
Crescent moon, all week long
Itzi transpira mana cand spui ca iubesti
Your hand sweats when you say you love me
Nerostite, gandurile tale
Unspoken, your thoughts
S-au facut petale le culeg de jos
Have become petals, I collect them from below
Vorbe goale, ti se pare oare
Empty words, does it seem to you
Ca mi-e greu sa recunosc un mincinos
That I find it hard to recognize a liar
Poate ar trebui sa ma deghizez
Maybe I should disguise myself
Sa ma poti iubi nu nu inteleg de ce
So you can love me, I don't understand why
Pt tine sunt o imagine
I'm just an image to you
Hainele sunt doar un scut
Clothes are just a shield
Am un suflet n-ai stiut
I have a soul you didn't know
Sa vezi ce-i in inima mea
To see what's in my heart
As fi fost doar a ta.
I would have been only yours.
Toata dragostea, toata viata mea
All my love, all my life
Inchise in televizor numai pot sa zbor
Locked in a TV, I can only fly
Spune-mi baby oare poti sa iubesti
Tell me baby, can you really love
Fara sa intrebi de ce ne ranim cu aparentze
Without asking why we hurt ourselves with appearances
De aparentze . de aparentze
With appearances. With appearances
2 Prin geamul fumuri, dupa draperii
2 Through the smoky glass, behind the curtains
Ascundem o iubire goala
We hide an empty love
Ne prefacem ca totul e perfect
We pretend that everything is perfect
Dar aparentele inseala
But appearances are deceiving
Poate ar trebui sa ma deghizez
Maybe I should disguise myself
Sa ma poti iubi nu nu inteleg de ce
So you can love me, I don't understand why
Pt tine sunt o imagine
I'm just an image to you
Hainele sunt doar un scut
Clothes are just a shield
Am un suflet n-ai stiut
I have a soul you didn't know
Sa vezi ce-i in inima mea
To see what's in my heart
As fi fost doar a ta.
I would have been only yours.
Toata dragostea, toata viata mea
All my love, all my life
Inchise in televizor numai pot sa zbor
Locked in a TV, I can only fly
Spune-mi baby oare poti sa iubesti
Tell me baby, can you really love
Fara sa intrebi de ce ne ranim cu aparentze
Without asking why we hurt ourselves with appearances
Ooo... wooowoo. ne ranim cu aparentze
Ooo... wooowoo. we hurt ourselves with appearances
De aparentze. de aparentze
With appearances. With appearances
Este o problema ca un asasin fin
It's a problem like an assassin
Nu-i o dilema suntem plini de venin
It's not a dilemma, we're full of venom
Stim, fiecare se pare ca are
We know, everyone seems to have
Masti ocazionale, gata de purtare
Occasional masks, ready to wear
Oare de ce ma placi? Vreau sa stiu
Why do you like me? I want to know
Pentru ca ma vezi pe scena
Because you see me on stage
Sau ai pus vreun pariu.
Or did you make a bet.
Sunt deja satul de aparente nedorite
I'm already tired of unwanted appearances
Pentru mine sau cu timpul hotaraste ce vrei
For me or in time, decide what you want
Viata ta ma sperie esti vedeta'n serie
Your life scares me, you're a serial star
Gandeau altii pt tine spalatori de creiere
Others thought for you, brainwashers
Industria muzicala e plina de zdrente
The music industry is full of rags
Tu nu esti printre ele a
You are not among them

Авторы: Marius Moga

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