Andreea Balan - Imagine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andreea Balan - Imagine

Andreea Balan - Imagine
Andreea Balan - Imagine
M-am saturat de fraieri, ce ma vor pentru imagine
I'm tired of posers, who want me for my image
*Chiar asa, spune-le andreea
*That's right, tell them Andreea
Aveti impresia ca eu, nu am suflet, nu-nteleg de ce...
You think I don't have a soul, I don't understand why...
*Ei nu inteleg ca de fapt tu esti altfel
*They don't understand that you're actually different
Imi tot repeti ca tu nu esti ca ei...!
You keep repeating that you're not like them...!
K tii la mine si vrei sa ma cuceresti
That you care about me and want to win me over
Imi pare rau... dar stiu de fapt ce vrei! te prefaci si ma plictisesti.
I'm sorry... but I know what you really want! You're pretending and you're boring me.
R: Nu mai incerca sa ma vrajesti
R: Don't try to enchant me
Stii prea bine nu iti merge cu mine
You know very well, it won't work with me
Fa-ma sa-nteleg tot ce gandesti
Make me understand everything you think
Cand te uiti in ochii mei si-mi spui:
When you look into my eyes and tell me:
M-am indragostit de tine!
I've fallen in love with you!
Ma suni si vrei sa-mi vorbesti
You call me and want to talk to me
Dar ai fitze-n cap nu te-nteleg
But you have delusions of grandeur, I don't understand you
*Nu uita: ea este Andreea
*Don't forget: she is Andreea
Imi spui k tot ce-ti doresti e sa fii cu mine
You tell me that all you want is to be with me
Nu te cred
I don't believe you
*Vrei sa reusesti; dak tu nu esti altfel
*You want to succeed; if you're not different
M-am saturat esti tot la fel k ei...
I'm tired of you being just like them...
Oare ai pus pariu ca-i sa ma cucersti?
Did you make a bet that you could win me over?
Imi pare rau dar stiu de fapt ce vrei...
I'm sorry but I know what you really want...
Te prefaci si ma plictisesti!
You're pretending and you're boring me!

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