Andreea Balan - Libera la mare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Andreea Balan - Libera la mare

Libera la mare
Free by the Sea
Am plecat la mare, fata cu dolarii-n buzunar
I went to the sea, girl with dollars in my pocket
Am uitat de teza, profi, de diriga si orar
Forgot about tests, teachers, the principal, and schedule
Deabea astept sa ma distrez, sa dansez, sa ma simt bine
I can't wait to have fun, dance, feel good
Sa o fac cu cine-mi place, sa ma iubeasca doar pe mine
To do it with who I like, to be loved only by me
In fiecare zi, fara griji si influente
Every day, without worries and influences
Cu o mie de prieteni si ciudate cunostinte
With a thousand friends and strange acquaintances
Muzica, moda, totul despre love & sex,
Music, fashion, all about love & sex,
Seara de seara, la cel mai tare chef
Night after night, at the hottest party
Nici eu nu am belele, de parinti in cot ma doare
I don't have any problems, I don't care about parents
Vara asta-i cea mai tare si distractia e-n floare
This summer is the best and the fun is in bloom
De dimineata cand ma scol ma-ndrept direct spre plaja
From the morning when I wake up, I go straight to the beach
Am trupa mea pe cont, tatuaj si slip cu ata
I have my crew on my side, a tattoo, and a string bikini
Sutienul mi-e prea mic dar asta nu ma deranjeza
My bra is too small but that doesn't bother me
Cu atat mai bine, sunt mai sexy am figuri in cap
So much the better, I'm sexier, I have plans in my head
Ma uit in jurul meu, un baiat sa-agat as vrea
I look around, I'd like to hook up with a boy
Cu el ma voi juca, ne vom distra, e vara mea!
I will play with him, we will have fun, it's my summer!
Libera la mare
Free by the sea
Stau cu tine la soare X2
I'm with you in the sun X2
Ne iubim pe nisipul fierbine
We love each other on the hot sand
Nu mai sunt o fata cuminte
I'm not a good girl anymore
Toti baietii intorc capul dupa mine si ma doresc
All the boys turn their heads after me and want me
Cand aud de mine si-mi spun ca ma doresc
When they hear about me and tell me they want me
In apa, pe plaja, in discoteca, la plimbare
In the water, on the beach, in the disco, on a walk
Ma dezbraca din priviri si senzatia e tare.
They undress me with their eyes and the feeling is strong.
Asta e realitatea, unii sunt timizi sau fraeri
This is the reality, some are shy or posers
Altii vor sa para cei mai tare din parcare
Others want to seem the coolest in the parking lot
Lasa vorba, frate, de vrei sa te distrezi
Forget the talk, brother, if you want to have fun
Noptile sunt lungi la mare hai cu mine si-ai sa vezi!
The nights are long at the sea, come with me and you'll see!
Hey you, hai in disco toata seara sa dansam
Hey you, come to the disco and dance all night
E mai beton asa, ca noi inca nu ne cunoastem
It's better that way, since we don't know each other yet
Doresti sa fii aproape, sa te ating, sa te sarut
You want to be close, to touch you, to kiss you
Nu vreau sa stau aiurea si degeaba cu ratati
I don't want to hang out with losers for no reason
Sunt talismanii iar lume e plina de baieti valabili
I am the talisman and the world is full of worthy boys
Eu sunt independenta, nu-mi pasa de cei din jur
I am independent, I don't care about those around me
Eu fac ce vreau, dar stiu ce fac, doar ce vrea muschii mei
I do what I want, but I know what I do, only what my muscles want
Traiesc clipa la maxim, ajung in frunte sigur!
I live the moment to the fullest, I will surely reach the top!
Libera la mare
Free by the sea
Stau cu tine la soare X2
I'm with you in the sun X2
Ne iubim pe nisipul fierbine
We love each other on the hot sand
Nu mai sunt o fata cuminte
I'm not a good girl anymore
Libera [libera] la mare [mare, mare]
Free [free] by the sea [sea, sea]
Te distrezi [te distrezi] cel mai tare [tare, tare]
You have fun [you have fun] the most [most, most]
Nu stii [nu stii] cand e zi sau noapte [zi sau noapte]
You don't know [you don't know] when it's day or night [day or night]
Faci ce vrei [faci ce vrei] cat se poate [poate, poate, poate]
You do what you want [you do what you want] as much as possible [possible, possible, possible]
Libera la mare
Free by the sea
Stau cu tine la soare X4
I'm with you in the sun X4
Ne iubim pe nisipul fierbine
We love each other on the hot sand
Nu mai sunt o fata cum
I'm not a good girl any

Авторы: Sandel Balan, Andreea Antonescu

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