Andreea Balan - Oops… Eroare! / Oops… Error! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andreea Balan - Oops… Eroare! / Oops… Error!

Oops… Eroare! / Oops… Error!
Oops… Error! / Oops… Eroare!
Te-am prins cu ea in pat,
I caught you with her in bed,
De fapt era-n masina dar oricum esti terminat si...
Actually, it was in the car, but either way, you're done, and...
Vrei sa parchezi ilegal
You want to park illegally
Cu remorca dupa tine, ce mai cuplu genial
With a trailer behind you, what a brilliant couple
Aha, lasa, te scuzi, te acuzi si-ai sa cazi in plasa
Aha, go ahead, make excuses, accuse yourself, and you'll fall into the trap
Tipologia masculina in direct
The male typology live
Pentru multe femei esti barbatul perfect.
For many women, you are the perfect man.
Dar nu pentru mine, imi doresc altceva
But not for me, I want something else
Stii ce? Ma simt mai bine acum ca s-a terminat
You know what? I feel better now that it's over
Poate voi intelege ce-i cu sexul
Maybe I'll understand what sex is
Si daca voi gasi un tip ca lumea chiar o sa-mi placa.
And if I find a nice guy, I'll really like him.
N-ai sa mai gasesti una ca mine
You'll never find another one like me
N-am sa mai iubesc unul ca tine
I'll never love another one like you
Din mintea mea te-am sters deja
I've already erased you from my mind
Se pare. ai fost doar o eroare.
It seems. you were just a mistake.
N-ai sa mai gasesti una ca mine
You'll never find another one like me
N-am sa mai iubesc unul ca tine
I'll never love another one like you
Degeaba incerci sa schimbi ceva
It's useless to try to change anything
Te doare, ramai doar o eroare.
It hurts you, you remain just a mistake.
Hmm... vii cu scuze iar...
Hmm... you come with excuses again...
Dar esti chiar hilar
But you're really hilarious
Vrei sa spui c-o invatai sa conduca
You mean you were teaching her to drive
Cum e cu schimbatorul, stii cum se-apuca?
How is it with the gearshift, do you know how to grip it?
Hei, crezi ca-s de ieri
Hey, do you think I'm from yesterday
Stii ca nu ma poti minti si...
You know you can't lie to me and...
Nimeni n-o sa stie ce-ai facut
No one will know what you did
Pentru ea, pentru tine e un nou inceput
For her, for you, it's a new beginning
Te doare, te doare...
It hurts, it hurts...
Oops, eroare!
Oops, mistake!

Авторы: Marius Moga

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