Andreea Banica feat. What's Up - In Lipsa Ta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Andreea Banica feat. What's Up - In Lipsa Ta

In Lipsa Ta
Without You
N-am aer, n-am aer, n-am aer ...
I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe ...
N-am aer, n-am aer, n-am aer ...
I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe ...
Spui ca maine o sa pleci
You say you're leaving tomorrow
Ca nu mai treci niciodata pe la mine
That you'll never come by again
A doua zi incerci sa ma consolezi
The next day you try to console me
Te cunosc cam bine
I know you too well
Mai pozam in fata rea, care nu iubea
I pretend to be the bad girl, the one who didn't love
Stii bine ca n-as rezista in lipsa ta
You know I wouldn't survive without you
Am promis ca nu ma las de tine,
I promised I wouldn't let go of you,
Ma intreb cannd vine, ploaia-n desert
I wonder when the rain will come in the desert
Am primit un gram de fericire,
I received a gram of happiness,
Sa-l impart cu tine, nu vreau sa-l pierd
To share it with you, I don't want to lose it
Atunci cand camera-i goala
When the room is empty
Nici timpul nu zboara,
Even time doesn't fly,
Te rog, nu pleca!
Please, don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta.
I can't breathe without you.
Prea multa liniste iara,
Too much silence again,
In camera goala
In the empty room
Te rog nu pleca!
Please don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta
I can't breathe without you
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ...
Without you ...
Zici ca nu ne potrivim,
You say we don't fit,
Amandoi mintim cand ceva nu ne convine.
We both lie when something doesn't suit us.
Cand spui ca ma iubesti, realizez ca esti,
When you say you love me, I realize you are,
Oxigenul pentru mine.
The oxygen for me.
In capul e nu, in inima e da,
In my head it's no, in my heart it's yes,
Stii bine ca n-as rezista,
You know I wouldn't survive,
In lipsa ta .
Without you.
Am promis ca nu ma las de tine,
I promised I wouldn't let go of you,
Ma intreb cand vine, ploaia-n desert
I wonder when the rain will come in the desert
Am primit un gram de fericire,
I received a gram of happiness,
Sa-l impart cu tine, nu vreau sa-l pierd
To share it with you, I don't want to lose it
Atunci cand camera-i goala,
When the room is empty,
Nici timpul nu zboara,
Even time doesn't fly,
Te rog, nu pleca!
Please, don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta.
I can't breathe without you.
Prea multa liniste iara
Too much silence again
In camera goala
In the empty room
Te rog nu pleca!
Please don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta
I can't breathe without you
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ...
Without you ...
Iti dau luna de pe cer si o tona de flori,
I'll give you the moon from the sky and a ton of flowers,
Daca vrei s-atingi stelele iti fac zgarie nori.
If you want to touch the stars, I'll build you skyscrapers.
Langa tine gasesc liniste cand dispare drama,
Next to you I find peace when the drama disappears,
Primavara din sufletul meu devine toamna
The spring in my soul becomes autumn
Inima-mi arde ca un put de petrol,
My heart burns like an oil well,
Fii Julieta mea si lasa-ma Romeo in rol
Be my Juliet and let me play Romeo
Daca vorbim de sentimente, poate uneori nu sunt evidente.
When it comes to feelings, maybe sometimes they're not obvious.
A, speranta moare ultima, cand ne mai certam ce-as mai zice: Pa, pa
Ah, hope dies last, when we argue again what would I say: Bye, bye
Treaba e relativa, a fi sau a nu fi
The matter is relative, to be or not to be
Ca tu esti tarmul, sentimentale-s tsunami
Because you are the shore, feelings are tsunamis
Atunci cand camera-i goala,
When the room is empty,
Nici timpul nu zboara,
Even time doesn't fly,
Te rog, nu pleca!
Please, don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta.
I can't breathe without you.
Prea multa liniste iara,
Too much silence again,
In camera goala .
In the empty room.
Te rog nu pleca!
Please don't leave!
N-am aer in lipsa ta
I can't breathe without you
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe
In lipsa ta ... n-am aer
Without you ... I can't breathe

Авторы: Alexandra Moldovan, Laurentiu Duta, Marius Ivancea

Andreea Banica feat. What's Up - In Lipsa Ta
In Lipsa Ta
дата релиза

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