Andreea - Printre Nori - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Andreea - Printre Nori

Printre Nori
Among the Clouds
Versurile melodiei "Printre nori", interpretata de Hara si Nosfe
Lyrics of the song "Among the Clouds", performed by Hara and Nosfe
Soare tu, ploaie eu
You are the sun, I am the rain
Viata noastra, vara mereu
Our life, always summer
Tu m-aprinzi, eu iti dau fiori
You ignite me, I give you chills
Si nu vreau singur iarasi printre nori
And I don't want to be alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Cate baruri, cate sticle la rand
How many bars, how many bottles in a row
Cat de mult sa ma mint ca nu-mi pasa
How much do I have to lie to myself that I don't care
Cate mai am sa-ti spun
How many more do I have to tell you
Cate nopti, iarasi singur acasa
How many nights, alone again at home
Te astept si te sun
I wait for you and call you
Si te caut pe strazi, de nebun
And I search for you in the streets, like a madman
Da′ nu te gasesc, nu ma opresc
But I can't find you, I don't stop
Si gresesc
And I make mistakes
Si ploaia de vara ma striga afara
And the summer rain calls me outside
Sa-mi stearga din suflet urma ta
To wipe away the trace of you from my soul
Soare tu, ploaie eu
You are the sun, I am the rain
Viata noastra, vara mereu
Our life, always summer
Tu m-aprinzi, eu iti dau fiori
You ignite me, I give you chills
Si nu vreau singur iarasi printre nori
And I don't want to be alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Stii ca dragostea-ti lipseste exact atunci cand pleaca
You know that you miss your love exactly when it leaves
Oricat de mult ar putea sa treaca
No matter how much time may pass
Daca nu o poti uiti, macar incearca
If you can't forget it, at least try
Asta-mi spun toti, dar pe mine ma cam seaca
That's what everyone tells me, but it makes me sick
Sa fiu fara ea, fiindca o vad peste tot
To be without her, because I see her everywhere
Si nu pot, chiar deloc, din cap sa o scot
And I can't, not at all, get it out of my head
Sa uit sarutul ei, dimineata
To forget her kiss in the morning
Si privirea ei de soare, ce-mi lumina viata
And her sunny gaze, which lit up my life
Si ploaia de vara ma striga afara
And the summer rain calls me outside
Sa-mi stearga din suflet urma ta
To wipe away the trace of you from my soul
Soare tu, ploaie eu
You are the sun, I am the rain
Viata noastra, vara mereu
Our life, always summer
Tu m-aprinzi, eu iti dau fiori
You ignite me, I give you chills
Si nu vreau singur iarasi printre nori
And I don't want to be alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Singur iarasi printre nori
Alone again among the clouds
Soare tu, ploaie eu
You are the sun, I am the rain
Viata noastra, vara mereu
Our life, always summer

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