Andrei Ilie - 2 Fețe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andrei Ilie - 2 Fețe

2 Fețe
2 Faces
Murdar pe la bot vorbesti doar cacaturi
Dirty mouth, you're talking shit, girl
Nu-ti baga nasul cat timp eu imi fac planuri
Don't stick your nose in while I'm making plans
Duba dupa tine luminat de faruri
The paddy wagon's after you, lit by headlights
Nu esti interlop tu doar vorbesti de clanuri
You're not a gangster, you just talk about gangs
Murdar pe la bot vorbesti doar cacaturi
Dirty mouth, you're talking shit, girl
Nu-ti baga nasul cat timp eu imi fac planuri
Don't stick your nose in while I'm making plans
Duba dupa tine luminat de faruri
The paddy wagon's after you, lit by headlights
Nu esti interlop tu doar vorbesti de clanuri
You're not a gangster, you just talk about gangs
Nu stii cu ce se mananca deci taci din gura
You don't know what's up, so shut your mouth
Nu comenta ca dupa telefonul suna
Don't comment, 'cause the phone will ring after
Si nu scapi nici daca iti fac dublura
And you won't escape even if I make a double of you
Greseala se plateste totul are o masura
Mistakes are paid for, everything has a measure
Prea multi fraieri rateaza n-au doar o fata
Too many fools fail, they don't have just one face
Ii privesti in ochi si ingheata
You look them in the eyes and they freeze
Le iei ultimul gram de speranta
You take their last gram of hope
De la grame prajiti ei vad totul in ceata
From grams fried, they see everything in a fog
Imaginatia le joaca feste ca foster
Imagination plays tricks on them like Foster's
Nu stii de mine dar o sa ma vezi pe poster
You don't know me, but you'll see me on a poster
Ai grija cu cine ti-o arzi nu mai pierde timpul ca te costa
Be careful who you mess with, don't waste time, it'll cost you
Plus ca multi te vor jos chiar daca nu arata
Plus, many want you down, even if they don't show it
Stiu falsi nu dau nume vor avea ei de plata
I know fake people, I won't name names, they'll have to pay
Cu mine pe lumea cealalta
With me, on the other side
Toti latra dar nu dau dovada niciodata
They all bark, but they never prove anything
Bleah mi-e scarba de ei
Bleah, I'm disgusted by them
Nu te stie nimeni intreaba pe vine vrei
Nobody knows you, ask around if you want
Cagula jos nu te luam in serios
Mask down, we don't take you seriously
Daca spui ca ii ai in spate pe aia grei
If you say you have those heavy hitters behind you
Toti au gura mare hai sa vedem pe cine
Everyone's got a big mouth, let's see who
Fata-n fata sa o deschida il tine
Face to face, will open it, will hold it
Ai multe scenarii in cap nu stiu de ce te crezi in filme
You have many scenarios in your head, I don't know why you think you're in a movie
Ca regizorul poa' sa te arda asa ca retine
'Cause the director can burn you, so remember
Murdar pe la bot vorbesti doar cacaturi
Dirty mouth, you're talking shit, girl
Nu-ti baga nasul cat timp eu imi fac planuri
Don't stick your nose in while I'm making plans
Duba dupa tine luminat de faruri
The paddy wagon's after you, lit by headlights
Nu esti interlop tu doar vorbesti de clanuri
You're not a gangster, you just talk about gangs
Nu stii cu ce se mananca deci taci din gura
You don't know what's up, so shut your mouth
Nu comenta ca dupa telefonul suna
Don't comment, 'cause the phone will ring after
Si nu scapi nici daca iti fac dublura
And you won't escape even if I make a double of you
Greseala se plateste totul are o masura
Mistakes are paid for, everything has a measure
Murdar pe la bot vorbesti doar cacaturi
Dirty mouth, you're talking shit, girl
Nu-ti baga nasul cat timp eu imi fac planuri
Don't stick your nose in while I'm making plans
Duba dupa tine luminat de faruri
The paddy wagon's after you, lit by headlights
Nu esti interlop tu doar vorbesti de clanuri
You're not a gangster, you just talk about gangs
Nu stii cu ce se mananca deci taci din gura
You don't know what's up, so shut your mouth
Nu comenta ca dupa telefonul suna
Don't comment, 'cause the phone will ring after
Si nu scapi nici daca iti fac dublura
And you won't escape even if I make a double of you
Greseala se plateste totul are o masura
Mistakes are paid for, everything has a measure

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