Angel & Khriz - No Hacen Na - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Angel & Khriz - No Hacen Na

No Hacen Na
They Don't Do Na
En la vida siempre hay alguien que te va a criticar
There is always someone in life who is going to criticize you
Que dice ser el mejor, que se pinta de imparable
Who claims to be the best, who paints himself as unstoppable
Por eso nunca pierdo mi esencia
That's why I never lose my essence
Nunca pierdo mi identidad por aparentar algo que no soy
I never lose my identity by pretending to be something I'm not
Porque a la hora de la verdad solo mis hechos demuestran mi exito
Because at the moment of truth only my facts prove my success
Los hechos valen mas que mil palabras, a diferencia de muchos que roncan y no hacen na...
Facts are worth a thousand words, unlike many who snore and do not do na...
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
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Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Ey yo canto en tono bufiao y rapeo
Hey I sing in a bufiao tone and I rap
Con el chistesito tengo un pal de choliseos
With the little joke I have a pal of choliseos
Bellas artes al resumen se suman 3
Fine arts to the summary are added 3
Pegao en pal de paises pregunta si no crees
Pegao in pal de paises ask if you don't think
Entonces de que estamos hablando aqui
So what are we talking about here
De viajes blin blin, chavos chin chin
De viajes blin blin, chavos chin chin
Jote conmigo y pase las de cail
Fuck with me and pass the de cail
Rapeando soy un king king
Rapping I'm a king king
Tengo un combo sin fin
I have an endless combo
Y no fronteo mejor me quedo callao'
And I don't front better I stay callao'
Se muy bien lo que doy
I know very well what I give
Yo estoy probao
I am probao
Pero si tu no estas ready pal fronteo
But if you're not ready pal fronteo
No ronquee tanto y quedese callao'
Don't snore so much and stay quiet'
Si la calle fuera un parque
If the street were a park
Pa' mi son un bombo
Pa' mi are a hype
No ronquee de corillo
Do not snore of corillo
Yo conozco a tu combo
I know your combo.
Si es verda'
If it's true'
Me busca un pal de bofeta
He's looking for me a slap pal
Pero el que la recibe tambien las da'
But the one who receives it also gives them'
Mas na'!
But na'!
Yo no soy estos cantantes que le dicen al dj
I'm not these singers who tell the DJ
Que cuando se acabe el tema ponga la pista a correr
That when the topic is over put the track to run
Pa roncar de cosas que nunca han hecho ni van a hacer
To snore about things they have never done and will never do
Pensando que la gente le va a creer
Thinking that people are going to believe him
Que si combo carro gata e' caserio chavo prenda
Que si combo carro gata e' caserio chavo prenda
Estan vendiendo coso, tan buscando quien les venda
They are selling stuff, so looking for someone to sell to them
Que anda un tiro no hay mucho tiempo
That's a shot there's not much time
Se creen una jodienda
They think it's a fucking
Si los agarran hacen buche (ja, ja)
If they get caught, they make shit (ha, ha)
Yo puedo roncar de lo mio mi consolte
I can snore of mine my consolte
Lo mio es musica sin colte
My thing is music without colte
Me paso en un avion metio de sur a norte
I was on a plane from south to north
Y con el chistesito ya llene dos pasaporte
And with the joke I already filled out two passports
Recuerdo que un colega estrepao en las chuletas
I remember that a colleague strepao on the chops
Dijo el que nacio cabellon no llega peseta
Said the one who was born hair does not arrive peseta
Nunca salio de puerto rico yo viaje el planeta
I never left Puerto Rico I traveled the planet
Angel y Khriz chequeamo que voy pa' casa a hacer maleta
Angel and Khriz let's check I'm going home to pack
(Ja, ja Julio Voltio El Chamaco)
(Ha, ha Julio Voltio El Chamaco)
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na (Daddy!)
So much that they rock and don't do na (Daddy!)
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na (Ey
So much that they rock and don't do na (Hey )
Y no hacen na (aqui tenemo el pop corn)
And they don't do na (here we have the pop corn)
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na (son bobolon)
So much that they rock and don't do na (they are bobolon)
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Daddy Yankee:
Daddy Yankee:
Let's go!
Ya se formo ese pa afuera
I've already formed that pa outside
Se escucha la balacera
The shooting is heard
Hay 7 muerto en la acera
There are 7 dead on the sidewalk
Si yo supiera
If I knew
Que los tiempo de la escuela
That the school time
Te quitaban la lonchera
They took your lunch box
Llorabas en la escalera
You were crying on the stairs
Y eran la pera
And they were the pear
Ahora ponen una supuesta cara de gangster
Now they put on an alleged gangster face
Y son varones, pero su palabra esta en venta
And they are men, but their word is for sale
Y en el mundo de los ciegos ponen de rey al tuerto
And in the world of the blind they make the one-eyed man king
Y yo pense que el wason habia muerto
And I thought the wason was dead
Tu casa cabe pay en mi marquesina
Your house fits pay in my marquee
Tu nave vuela gracias a mi gasolina
Your ship flies thanks to my gasoline
El flow de lider te queda grande
The leader's flow is too big for you
Tu no eres el big boss
You are not the big boss
Oiste chupa glande
You heard glans sucking
Bien guillao de gangster
Bien guillao de gangster
Bien guillao de quee
By Guillao de Quee
Bien guillao de loco
Well guillao de loco
Pero suenan unos pocos
But they sound a few
Y terminan dando el culo
And they end up giving the ass
Como vanesa e rio
As Vanessa and Rio
Haste un ate borita Ayudame dios mio!
Here's a little something, help me God!
(Da takeover, vamos a sacar la bestia a pasiar)
(Da takeover, let's get the beast out to pasture)
Mere, Si es por ellos son bichotes
Just, if it's because of them they are bichotes
Como en 33 lugares
As in 33 places
Casi primos de Escobar y los nietos del Godfather
Escobar's almost cousins and the Godfather's grandchildren
Ahora to' a las dos borran cara
Now...' to the two erase face
Toos juegan con balas
They play with bullets
Toos son Tony Montana
Too are Tony Montana
Pero pase esa movie hace 7 años papa
But I passed that movie 7 years ago dad
Pero me fui del mapa
But I left the map
Metiendome en las papas
Getting into the potatoes
Muchos de nosotros hablaron y los que los matan
Many of us spoke and those who kill them
Que muchos estan qedaos y yo viajando el mundo a ver mi gata
That many are qedaos and I traveling the world to see my cat
Nominao' a pal de premios, mil festivales
Nominated for awards, a thousand festivals
Miles dicen que no sirvo, y ni hacen patronales
Thousands say I don't serve, and neither do employers
Sin presar un envidioso a relucir
Without presenting an envious to shine
Y no saben que los que si son un daño lo van en planilla en abril
And they don't know that those who are a damage will be on the payroll in April
Pero les picheo un favor
But I give them a favor
Un dolor de cabeza inecesario
An unnecessary headache
Muchos chavos en tinol
A lot of kids in tinol
Yo tranquilo esperando un muricol
I quietly waiting for a muricol
Mejor pidanme en un featuring pa que porfin ya esten en los Billboards
Better ask me in a featuring pa to finally be on the Billboards
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na (Ahh)
So much that they rock and don't do na (Ahh)
Y no hacen na (Como)
And they don't do na (Like)
Y no hacen na (Y Dice)
And they don't do na (And Says)
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na (V-I-C-O y no olvides la C)
And they don't do na (V-I-C-O and don't forget the C)
Vico C:
Vico C:
Y todos trate decifrarme que se turba
And everyone try to decipher me that is disturbed
Soy zorro viejo como un bate que le mete a cualquier curva
I'm an old fox like a bat that gets into any curve
Ey boby que tu tas hablando, que tu tas haciendo, que tus tas ladrando
Hey boby what are you talking about, what are you doing, what are you barking
Que tu tas frontiando que si tu eres de los viejos
That you tas frontiando that if you are one of the old
Si de eso yo no doy fe pai yo si soy añejo (A, ha)
If I don't give faith to that, then I am old (A, ha)
No me crees mi resumen aqui les dejo
Don't believe me my summary here I leave you
Mas de dos decadas dejandolos perplejos
More than two decades leaving them perplexed
No pidas 20 si no vales niun cintillo
Do not ask for 20 if you are not worth even a sash
Ni te guilles de acabar con esa cara e monaguillo
Don't even think about ending that face and altar boy
No ronques de dal martillo
Don't snore from dal hammer
Cuando canten los caballos te mantengas e sencillo
When the horses sing, keep it simple
Oye lo que te conviene y cree nene
Listen to what suits you and believe baby
Que un filosofo no ronca con lo que no tiene
That a philosopher doesn't snore with what he doesn't have
O cositos como tu siempre van y vienen
Or little things like you always come and go
Babillosos como yo son los que se mantienen
Babilosos like me are the ones who keep
Como toos frontean de aquello y de lo otro
How to deal with this and the other
Que son los que reparten y te dan unos pocos
Who are the ones who deal and give you a few
Que venden mas que Ricky y que viajan como locos
Who sell more than Ricky and who travel like crazy
Pero en verdad se sabe limpiar ni los mocos
But he really doesn't know how to clean even the snot
Tu has corrido muchachos y no les tengo que apuntar de mucho
You have run guys and I don't have to point too much
Siempre que salgo los serrucho
Whenever I go out the saws
Ustedes con su movie y no los escucho
You guys with your movie and I don't listen to you
Que pasa se les acabaran los cartuchos
What happens they will run out of cartridges
Ay bendito desesperaos los raperitos
Oh blessed despair the little rappers
No veo evolucion los veo igualito
I don't see evolution I see them the same
No tienen la cabeza pa escribir un corito
They don't have the head to write a chorus
Que me importa les produzco un palito
That I care I produce them a little stick
Aparentan con mujeres de billetes y prendones
They appear with women of bills and prendones
Me imagino que me saquean... Bobolones
I imagine I'm being looted... Bobolones
Se escuchan en un carro toy pegao con cojones
They are heard in a car toy pegao with cojones
Y ni en su barrio les cantan sus canciones
And even in their neighborhood they don't sing their songs to them
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Digerito en esto soy un titerito
I digress in this I'm a little puppet
Estos mama...
These mom...
Las cara se las derrito
I melt their faces
Los esbarato
The cheap
Vienen pa aca con flow barato
They come here with cheap flow
Y voto sin dejar rastro los derroto
And I vote without leaving a trace I defeat them
A que se tiren si tienen crias los reto
To be thrown away if they have crias I challenge them
Les llevo rato me he ganao el respeto
It's been a while, I've earned their respect.
No te metas cuando le meto
Don't get in when I put him in
Si no le meto no te mates
If I don't put him in don't kill yourself
No cometas un disparate
Don't make a nonsense
Te prometo que te meto
I promise I'll get you in
Chyno Nyno:
Chyno Nyno:
(Chyno ni nigga)
(Chyno ni nigga)
En el genero hay muchos charros
There are many charros in the genre
Y mi deber es sacarlos
And my duty is to take them out
Sigan subiendo que yo los mando bajando
Keep going up, I'm sending you down
En estos featurings yo nunca me enfango
In these features I never get angry
Roncando yo los asalto saliendo del banco
Snoring I assault them coming out of the bank
Dame un segundo, mejor dicho un pal de minutos
Give me a second, or rather a pal of minutes
Es un deleite ver como los ejecuto
It is a delight to see how I execute them
Diamante en bruto, blindao de atributo
Diamond in the rough, attribute shield
El hijo e puto, los zapatos nunca sucio
The son of a bitch, the shoes never dirty
Mucho bling blin pero pa mi son escarcha
A lot of bling bling but for my they are frost
Cartulina que no hace falta
Cardboard that is not needed
Plaka mana, papa cuca me dice que tu eres fanta
Plaka mana, papa cuca tells me that you are fanta
Yo soy el cruz mimica y a ti chanteo a ti yamasca
I am the cross mimica and to you I chanteo to you yamasca
Si yo se que tu haz volao cesos, que has estao preso y too eso, el playstation
If I know that you have been flying, that you have been imprisoned and too that, the playstation
Y que tu roto era la mete y rompieron el record
And that your broken was the mete and they broke the record
Llego el experto, decifrando puercos
The expert arrives, deciphering pigs
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Tanto que rocan y no hacen na
So much that they rock and don't na...
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Y no hacen na
And they don't do na
Guelo Star:
Guelo Star:
Si yo roncara les metiera con mi letra en la cara
If I snored I would shove my handwriting in their face
El escritor de escritores 3 años dandole pela
The writer of writers 3 years giving him pela
Como al best shop...
Like the best shop...
El de la pista piensa pensa que te empalaran
The guy on the track thinks he thought you'd get impaled
Traga baja pa colo co aqui la peli soy yo
Swallow low pa colo co here the movie is me
Uste es solo un semejante chicle masticla flow
You are just a kind of chewing gum flow...
Piraña mastica hueso, come gen, come palo
Piranha chews bone, eats gene, eats stick
Comete este bi paqueate alante e la digestion
Eat this bi paqueate alante e la digestion
En esta cuestion yo soy la movie viviente
In this question I am the living movie
Soy de atras del exito de grandes cantante
I'm from behind the success of great singer
Grandes interpretes que tambien te parten en tres
Great interpreters who also break you into three
Grandes productores asesinadores del beat
Great killer producers of the beat
No pueden conmigo, no pueden con angel y khriz
They can't with me, they can't with angel and khriz
No pueden con voltio, chyno nyno ni vico c
They can't handle volt, chyno nyno or vico c
No pueden con el cangri, tampoco con la maravilla
They can't with the cangri, neither with the wonder
Ven camilla los paseamos poniendolos a dormir (pou!)
Come camilla we walk them putting them to sleep (pou!)
Ey se reporta para el Takeover. El Coyote
Ey reports for the Takeover. The Coyote
En este junte historico
In this historical joint
Con el big boss. Daddy Yankee (El Maximo Lider)
With the big boss. Daddy Yankee (The Greatest Leader)
El Voltaje Julio Voltio (Qe pajo ma!)
The Voltage Julio Volt (Qe pajo ma!)
El yomon. el yomo (Yomo pa!)
The yomon. the yomo (Yomo pa!)
La maravilla. Arcangel (Prrra!)
The wonder. Archangel (Prrra!)
El filosofo. Vico C (Respeta, Respeta!)
The philosopher. Vico C (Respect, Respect!)
La pelicula viviente... Guelo Star (Is the movie man!)
The living movie... Guelo Star (Is the movie man!)
El Chyno Nyno (Chyno Ni Nigga!)
El Chyno Nyno (Chyno Ni Nigga!)
Y por supuesto los protagonistas de esta pelicula, del takeover, Khriz Y Angel (Khriz y el Angel You!)
And of course the protagonists of this movie, of the takeover, Khriz and Angel (Khriz and the Angel You!)
Oye santana, dejale el beat pa que se curen!
Hey Santana, leave the beat to them so they can heal!

Авторы: Angel Rivera Guzman

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