Angelo Branduardi - Novello cupido - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Angelo Branduardi - Novello cupido

Novello cupido
New Cupid
Novello Cupido fanciul ti cred'io
New Cupid, I believe you to be a child
Che dardi pungenti negli occhi tu porti
Who carries sharp darts in your eyes
E dai mille morti ognor al cor mio
And from a thousand deaths you always give to my heart
Qual nova sirena mill'alme incatena
Like a new siren, entangles a thousand souls
Col canto e col guardo ben puote
With song and glance, she can indeed
Col dardo ferir il cor mio
Wound my heart with her dart
Novello Cupido fanciul ti cred'io
New Cupid, I believe you to be a child
Deh quando mai pace avran queste luci
Oh, when will these eyes have peace
Se con la tua face che fere che fende
If with your torch that strikes, that splits
Che strugge che incende la morte m'adduci
That burns, that burns, you bring me death
Deh volgi lo sguardo, ritieni il tuo dardo
Oh, turn your gaze, hold back your dart
Che se non sei nudo sei ben fero
That if you are not naked, you are indeed fierce
E crudo ognor al cor mio
And cruel always to my heart
Novello Cupido fanciul ti cred'io.
New Cupid, I believe you to be a child.

Авторы: Biagio Marini

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