Angelo Branduardi - Tanti anni fa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Angelo Branduardi - Tanti anni fa

Tanti anni fa
Many Years Ago
Nelle acque di quel lago
In the waters of that lake
La mia donna si bagnava
My woman bathed
Poi sciogliendosi i capelli
Then untying her hair
Una storia raccontava,
A story she told,
Di un castello in fondo al lago
Of a castle at the bottom of the lake
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Ed io ora te la canto
And I now sing it to you
Fu un giorno a mezza estate
It was a day in midsummer
Mentre il sole ci scaldava
As the sun warmed us
Io all'ombra di quei rami
I in the shade of those branches
Al suo canto mi assopivo
To her song I fell asleep
Spesso questo ci accadeva
Often this happened to us
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Ed io ora te lo canto.
And I now sing it to you.
Era sera sai,
It was evening, you know,
Era sera ormai
It was evening now
E di colpo mi svegliai.
And suddenly I woke up.
Era sera sai,
It was evening, you know,
Era sera ormai
It was evening now
E da solo mi trovai,
And I found myself alone,
Nel lago.
In the lake.
Forse per curiosità
Perhaps out of curiosity
Lei scese dal lago
She descended from the lake
So che un giorno salirà
I know that one day she will rise
Per me
For me
Era sera sai,
It was evening, you know,
Era sera ormai
It was evening now
E di colpo mi svegliai.
And suddenly I woke up.
Era sera sai,
It was evening, you know,
Era sera ormai
It was evening now
E da solo mi trovai,
And I found myself alone,
Nelle acque di quel lago
In the waters of that lake
La mia donna si bagnava
My woman bathed
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Tanti anni fa,
Many years ago,
Tanti anni fa.
Many years ago.

Авторы: Angelo Branduardi

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