Angham - Maria Al Qebteyah - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Angham - Maria Al Qebteyah

Maria Al Qebteyah
Maria Al Qebteyah
النبى قبل الهديه
The prophet before the gift
ويفتكر سيدنا إبراهيم
And he remembers our master Abraham
والهديه من ماريا
And the gift from Maria
خلفت إبنه إبراهيم
Gave birth to Abraham
يحمده والحمد نيه
He praises him and the praise is his
من الرسول الكريم
From the noble messenger
على العطيه الربانيه
On the divine gift
من الإله العظيم
From the great God
البشارة من سنين
The gospel for years
ووصى خير
And he advised well
على أهل مصر
On the people of Egypt
أدخلوها آمنين
Enter it safely
سالمين فى فتح مصر
Safe in the conquest of Egypt
الرسول فى أى أزمة
The messenger in any crisis
جوه قلبه نور وحكمه
In his heart there is light and wisdom
كل أولاده يموتوا
All of his children die
ومش باقيله إلا فاطمه
And he has only Fatima left
يا إلهى يا ذو الجلال
O my God, O the Majestic
لك لوحدك الكمال
To you alone is perfection
كل زوجات الرسول
All the wives of the Messenger
محرومين من العيال
Are deprived of children
أمهات المؤمين
Mothers of the believers
ربنا يطهر قلوبهم
May our Lord purify their hearts
من الحنين للجنين
From the longing for the fetus
يقبله بأمره ونصيبهم
He accepts it by his command and their destiny
الله جاب، الله خد
God brought, God took
الله منه العوض
God is the compensation
والولد اللى إتحسد
And the boy who was envied
يبتليه بالمرض
He afflicted him with the disease
الرسول يبكى عليه
The Messenger weeps over him
والدموع تغسل عنيه
And the tears wash his eyes
ورضاه فى الجنه تأخده
And his satisfaction in heaven takes him
والملايكة بتراضيه
And the angels are satisfied with him

Авторы: Angham

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