Angham - تلاقينا - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Angham - تلاقينا

We Met
حلفت إني نسيتك يوم تلاقينا سوى صدفة
I swore I forgot you the day we met by chance
ولا امداني اقفي عنك إلا وقمت أستغفر
And I couldn't help but follow you and repent
عسى الله لا يوأخذني على حلفي وانا عرفه
May God not hold me accountable for my oath even though He knows
غفور وعالم النية ولا من رحمته أكبر
For He is the Forgiver, the Knower of intentions, and none is greater in mercy than Him
حَلَفتِ إِنِّي نَسِيّتكَ يَوْم تَلاقَينا سِوَى صُدْفَة
I swore I forgot you the day we met by chance
وَلا أَمْدانِي أَقْفِي عَنكَ إِلّا وَقُمتَ أَسْتَغْفِر
And I couldn't help but follow you and repent
عَسَى اللّٰه لا يوأخذني عَلَى حَلْفِي وَأَنا عَرَفَهُ
May God not hold me accountable for my oath even though He knows
غَفُور وَعالِم النِيَّة وَلا مِن رَحَّمتَهُ أَكْبَرَ
For He is the Forgiver, the Knower of intentions, and none is greater in mercy than Him
أنا كم لي اعديلك واعذر بعدك وظرفه
How much longer will I excuse you and your circumstances
وتتمادى وأنا ساكت وتتعذر وأنا أعذر
You continue and I remain silent, you make excuses and I excuse
تسكر باب أحلامي وافتح للأمل شرفه
You close the door to my dreams and open a window to hope
وأقول الله يصبرني عل وياعسى اقدر
And I say may God give me patience, and perhaps I can
أَنّا كَمَّ لَيّ اعديلك وَأُعْذَر بَعْدِكِ وَظَرْفهُ
How much longer will I excuse you and your circumstances
وَتَتَمادَى وَأَنا ساكِت وَتَتَعَذَّر وَأَنا أَعْذَرَ
You continue and I remain silent, you make excuses and I excuse
تَسْكَر باب أَحْلامِي وَأَفْتَح لِلأَمَل شَرَفهُ
You close the door to my dreams and open a window to hope
وَأَقُول اللّٰه يُصَبِّرنِي عَلَّ وياعسى أَقْدَر
And I say may God give me patience, and perhaps I can
اداري لهفتي فيني وادور للوله صرفه
I hide my longing within me and seek to find a distraction for my passion
ولا ودي ابين لك مشاعر داخلي تكبر
I don't want to show you the feelings inside me that are growing
تقول اشتقتلي وتقول عجزت اقاوم اللهفه
You say you miss me and you say you can't resist the yearning
واصد وداخلي يصرخ انا مشتاقلك اكثر
And I nod while inside I scream I miss you more
أُدارِي لَهْفتِي فَيِنِي وَأَدْوَر لِلوَلَه صَرَفَهُ
I hide my longing within me and seek to find a distraction for my passion
وَلا وِدِّيّ آبِيْنَ لَكِ مَشاعِر داخِلِي تُكْبَر
I don't want to show you the feelings inside me that are growing
تَقُول اشتقتلي وَتَقُول عَجُزتُ أُقاوِم اللَهْفَة
You say you miss me and you say you can't resist the yearning
وَأَصْدَ وَداخِلِي يَصْرُخ إِنّا مشتاقلك أُكْثِر
And I nod while inside I scream I miss you more

Авторы: Yaser Bo Ali

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