Anna Maria Jopek - Oddalasz się - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Anna Maria Jopek - Oddalasz się

Oddalasz się
You're Slipping Away
Oddalasz siê, sk¹d ja to wiem, po prostu wiem.
You're slipping away, how do I know, I just know.
To ju¿ nie ja i nie ty.
It's not me and you anymore.
£adnie, ¿e masz dobrych chêci w brud.
You're being nice, but you're just putting on a good face.
Mówisz nie, nie bêdzie Ÿle.
You say no, it won't be bad.
Wiêc sk¹d ta cisza w nas i ch³ód?
So why is there this silence and this coldness between us?
Za noc, za dzieñ bez wielkich burz.
For a night, for a day without big storms.
Po¿egnasz mnie a potem cӿ.
You'll say goodbye to me and then you'll leave.
Przekrêcisz klucz, no i ju¿.
You'll turn the key, and that's it.
Szczêœcia brak, nadziei mniej.
There's no more happiness, even less hope.
Oddalasz siê i z dnia na dzieñ widzê,
You're slipping away and day by day I see,
Jak bezradna tracê ciê.
How helplessly I lose you.
Oddalasz siê choæ nie wiesz sam,
You're slipping away though you don't know it yourself,
Jak mo¿e nic ju¿ coraz mniej ciebie mam.
How everything less and less of you I have.
Ju¿ nie mówiê przyjdŸ, bo coraz dalej nam ju¿
I don't tell you to come anymore, because it's too late for us now
Do tych pierwszych ciep³ych s³ów,
To hear those first warm words,
Powtarzanych znów i znów.
Repeated again and again.
I do tamtych miejsc, tamtych dni, tamtych ³ez.
And to those places, those days, those tears.
Teraz kiedy siê oddalasz jesteœ taki mi³y jak nie ty.
Now that you're slipping away you're being so kind, and it's not like you.
A w oczach lêk, a oczy mówi¹ mi: bardzo chcê st¹d wyjœæ.
And in your eyes there's fear, and your eyes tell me: I want to get out of here so badly.
Przepraszam gniewasz siê?
Excuse me, are you angry?
A ja nie gniewam siê po prostu wiem,
And I'm not angry, I just know,
To potrwa ju¿ najwy¿ej dzieñ.
This will last at most a day.
No a potem pas.
And then it's over.
Trzasn¹ drzwi i stanie czas i odt¹d nikt i odt¹d nic.
The door will slam and time will stop and from now on nobody and nothing.
Chyba, ¿e...

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